Snacks in between meals

Hey guys,

I have been going on this diet for a month now. And I am pretty good with my meals. I am trying to figure out more snacks in between the meals. I eat the usual celery, carrots, cucumber, almonds, or occasionally one of those 100 cal packs of rice crackers or fibre one bars. But I need some help with more snacks so I do not get bored. This has been my overall struggle with weight loss is snacking and getting bored eating the same thing.

Thanks for your help.


  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I do apple with peanut butter, grapes, boiled egg, oranges, gold could do yogurt (i'm not a fan).
  • marmad
    Cottage cheese or hummus with pretzles
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I eat a small apple diced up in half a cup of cottage cheese....absolutely delicious and it will keep you full for a while.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I generally do a greek yogurt between Breakfast and Lunch. Between Lunch and dinner I generally do a piece of fruit and a cheese stick.

    I change up the yogurt flavors and I change up the fruits too. I switch between different cheese sticks but they come in 12 packs so it's 2 weeks between changes.
  • mireyap21
    low fat yogurt activia is one of my favorites. Protein shakes are always good as well around 8oz of nonfat milk with your choice of protein mix.
  • racingred24
    racingred24 Posts: 8 Member
    I always have a protein snack, it keeps you filled up longer than just veggies or processed foods. Have a hard boiled egg, some cottage cheese, or even some fat free cold cuts with some cheese.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Nuts (almonds are one of many!), seeds, reduced fat soft or hard cheese, houmous guacamole or tomato salsa with raw carrot or bell pepper strips or raw broccoli, peanut butter and oatcakes, Greek yoghurt with mixed berries or other fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs. Buy some different fruits and vegetables when in the store, an enormous range can be eaten raw - celery, cucumber, apples and banana are not the most nutritious and by the look of your food diary you are not getting seven to nine servings a day nor the full rainbow of colours.