Fat people stereotypes?



  • Not sure if its a stereotype but every big girl I've been with has given awesome bl*&jobs
  • Coming back to this because I just remembered an interesting one; Fat girls give good head.

    My guy friends SWEAR by this stereotype.
    I swear I didn't see this before I made my post .lol!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    Coming back to this because I just remembered an interesting one; Fat girls give good head.

    My guy friends SWEAR by this stereotype.
    I swear I didn't see this before I made my post .lol!

    Haha, sureeee ;P
  • Why post a topic that can only be meant to perpetuate stereotypes and upset people?

    For the lulz? O.o

    Haha exactly! Definitely not trying to make anyone feel bad here. I just feel like sometimes these stereotypes can be so hilariously inaccurate, I thought some of us could bond over how idiotic they are.
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    If a fat girl isn't funny or bubbly she has to have a really forceful and outspoken personality. Because of couse those three personalities are the ONLY ones available to fat girls. (Sarcasm).
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    The stereotype that 'fat people are stupid' is really frustrating when you're on the receiving end of surprised looks when you tell people what you do for work. I honestly don't know what people think I do for a living, but when I tell them I'm a Speech Pathologist, just about everyone has a surprised look on his/her face.
  • Coming back to this because I just remembered an interesting one; Fat girls give good head.

    My guy friends SWEAR by this stereotype.

    *leaves the office and goes on the hunt for a fat bird* :smile:

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Stereotypes of are dumb.

    No they're not. Sometimes they are wrong, but quite often there's a truth buried in them somewhere. Sometimes they are based on a historic truth, which is no longer relevant. Sometimes they are dead on. And sometimes they are plain wrong.

    Remember that a stereotype is a generalization, and as such, you can often find counter examples. The existence of counter examples don't negate a generational, unless the exceptions outnumber the affirming examples.

    To say that fat people eat too much is a perfect example of an accurate stereotype. People who don't or can't move around much and are gaining weight are eating too much. They just fail to realize that they shouldn't eat as much as when they were moving around.

    (Some) Medical reasons are a perfect example of counter examples. Weight gain might be out of such individual's ability to control (I don't know so I assume sure, ok, yes, I accept that), but they are the outliers, and thus don't discredit the stereotype. Which is a generalization, based on simple physics. Caloric surplus leads to storing fat which leads to weight gain.

    Of course some stereotypes are completely wrong, and basically just prejudice or racism in thin disguise. Some Fat people stereotypes come from hate or contempt.

    And I'm pretty sure the fat people are jolly stereotype is because of Santa Claus. People want presents.
  • adzj
    adzj Posts: 1
    Ran into this post. Overweight guys have stereotypes too. Like for example, that we are weak, smelly, stupid and slow, creepy, don't get dates, we have nerdy hobbies, lazy. Can't think of others right how. I don't have nerdy hobbies, I'm a huge gear head, but if you are a chubhy guy you supposebly can't like anything cool. Oh yeah I remember another one, that we have few friends.

    Anyways I hate these stereotypes. At my heaviest I was 270, right now I am at 220, my goap is 200. I'm not loosing weight to satisfy society, or to get girls. I don't want to die. I was pre-hypertensive. That's why. Plus I want to fit in a race car haha.