The stampede mud run - Melbourne October 2013

Just went crazy and signed up for this. I have 10 months to loose weight, get fit and be ready to do the 5 km. This is my birthday present to me - the race is on my bday.


  • Awesome! Im doing it here in Perth with my partner as well! Looks so fun :)
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    There are a few others earlier in the year but I don't think I will be ready :) I will volunteer at tough blokes challenge to see how it looks, and then run in this one :) I need to get some muscles :)
  • I'm doing it in melb to. Was gonna do tough mudder in melb but didn't think I would be ready after having a c section 3 months ago. Will just have to wait. Bummer. Can't wait.
  • I'm thinking about doing it. Trying to convince hubby, but more than likely will have to do it on my own. Looks like fun. Something to work towards this year.

  • Ramatang
    Ramatang Posts: 28 Member
    Did the Stampede Melbourne on Saturday.. Was Soooo mush fun.. Already can't wait for next year !!! How did you all go with it ??
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    We had a great time and it wasn't as hard as I feared. 10km next year!
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    hi, was meant to do stampede but friend who invited me pulled out, so I'm doing city to sea instead- are you guys doing this one and what was the arm strength requirement like for stampede?