Plan for 2013

I wish I could say I'm new here. I've been around for quite awhile now and like my profile picture says, a year from now you will wish you started today. Well my wish is that i would have stuck to it. I didn't, and have gained back every little bit i lost and than some. So we start another year and I have in my head that I am going to lose this weight this year and keep it off. I have between 100 and 120 pounds to lose and am finding it impossible to stick to any diet. I know i can lose it, because i lost it before but have given up each time i've made an attempt after being on it a short time or have gained it all back after being on it for almost a year couple times. So, i thought i'd start out with an introduction to who I am. my name is cheryl, i live in ohio, I'm an rn and am married with one son and 2 fur kids. I weigh 244 pounds and am 5'3". I want to lose between 100 and 120 pounds to get to 144 to 124 pounds. My goal is to get to 144 by New Years Eve 2014 and 120 by that spring. I will journal, log in my food and follow myfitnesspal plan. I will not drink pop and will drink water instead. I will walk on my treadmill every day for at least 20 minutes even if it is at a slow rate at first.
