Looking for some support for 2013



  • Artillerybabe
    Artillerybabe Posts: 9 Member
    I love the response youve had to this! always daunting taking the first few steps! ADD ME too think we all need the support and encouragement. ;)
    I have 48lbs to lose, for the first time in my life im not slim having had a wonderful child, I now comfort eat through boredom and inactivity as I cant live the life that I used to and its a shock! But ive got myself an exercise bike, I am going to get a kettle bell and thats it I am ready for the battle to commence... I am afraid, I wont deny - I lost a stone and half last year on crazy shake and vlcd diets -and to prove they dont work I have piled it all back on! no quick fix now just hard work and comittment, I still struggle to visualise the current larger me! I have been in denial and now its time to face up to my fears. Having never been large before I am quite shocked by how much it affects your mental attitude and confidence so for me having previously always been the positive optimist in life I can no longer allow this baby belly to take over my life, I want my life back! Heres to a happy lighter New year for us all ;)
  • seasunrise
    Happy new year everyone :)))) feel free to add me x
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    Please add me! I've found it's so much easier to stay focused when you have motivational and inspirational people there for support!! :)
  • pootle69
    pootle69 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, overwhelmed by all the support, feeling more positive already :smile: