Here I go again

Back again for the second year. Did well for a while last year, then gradually fell back to my bad habits. I guess I should be happy this year I started 5 pounds lighter than last year.l Yaaay me! I so hate how I feel when I get heavy, everything hurts. Looking forward to the new me this year. I must remember that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Happy New Year everyone!


  • so true. I was on this site two years ago, along with my niece. I was doing hill walking and lost a lot. Then I went on some medication that caused me to gain weight. I went off the meds last year and lost 30 lbs this past summer and have gained it back plus more. I am now at my highest. I so hate it and my knee is tweaking out. I have start walking the hill again and will start counting calories today on here. My niece does not come on here anymore. I could use a friend to encourage each other. Do you want to add me as a friend and we can encourage one another? You sound as if you are a Christian and so am I. I know I cannot do this without Him. Be encouraged and be victorious!