Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 4/9 wk 15

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
Good luck today Team!! :flowerforyou:


  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hi all...been busy with Spring Break and then Easter. I am back up to 132.4 this week. I had too much fun over easter i guess!!

    Wish everyone great weigh-ins!!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Happy Friday all!! I weight in at 246.8 so its a loss.:smile:
    Okay this idea was sent in by Miss Kelly!!!
    25 sit ups a day and try to increase at ur pace by weight in on Friday. Lets see how everyone does!!!:flowerforyou:
    Have a good Day SHGP!!!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! A gorgeous day here!! :bigsmile:

    Well, I am down 1.8 lbs this week....scale showed 192.4.....with much credit going to the last 2 days of completely eating clean! For the 15 minute walk challenge I only did 2 days really, but 1 hrs worth. Have done a walk jog this am, and gonna get in a power walk 15 minutes later today....and get started on the sit-up challenge!

    HI Lynette!! just a small gain for know what to do! keep with it!

    Jacque ~ congrats on the loss! YIPPY!! thanks for getting these challenges going again....IT HELPS!

    house chores today. bus trip tomorrow ( just take and return I can be home and enjoy the nice day!! ) :glasses:

    Let's all be mindful this weekend and aim for sticking to our plans.....eating and exercising! You can do it you pepper's!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Just checkin in to say hi. got to the sit ups when I get home tonight. thinkin about going to the gym and do them ther. Well hope everyone is having a good Friday!!!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I am at 221.6 pounds this week. It is a little loss. I hope I stay around this weight until the baby comes. I have my last baby shower tomorrow and then having Easter with the in-laws on Sunday. I hope everyone is having a great day!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Jacque ~ did my sit-ups, wow, been way too long since the abs have been worked...good start to the 'core' area!

    Angie ~ have a fun weekend at the baby shower and Easter time with the family. Gosh, bout a month to go for you!! Getting so you can't wait to see and hold that little bundle of joy! babies are so sweeeet!

    hope the rest of the SHGP's are doing good....... missing many of you!! may you all have good weather wherever you are and enjoy the weekend! take care.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    At sons baseball game. Very cold. Very windy.
    Lost .6lbs
    New weight 170.8
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    scale was still sitting at 201 :( no loss no gain just sitting.....went on a field trip with one of my girls yesterday and didnt eat anything until 2 then decided to run to taco bell.... I made an ok choich there...but still....hubby picked up a take n bake pizza for dinner....veggie for me but LOADED with stuff......feeling like a balloon today...have my 2 hour practice later so will chek in then!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi gang!

    We went to my inlaws today for lunch...spent most of the day over there...visiting MIL while my dh, son and FIL cut down trees. Really nice day here....and everyone is mowing again! I have been fighting (allergies) a sore throat for a few days and lastnite my chest became very tight so I took some cough syrup and went to bed. Woke 3 hrs later and could not breathe..felt like I was trying to get air thru a was horrible, and it scared me. My dh got up and was concerned and ready to take me to the ER, but I did a breathing treatment with my son's nebulizer and that helped some, but then b/c I was still having troubles breathing, I had a panic attack....I was a mess! I have never had it this bad. SO, I spent the nite on the couch and didn't sleep well. Have done 2 more breathing treatments and am getting better, but am so tired! Will get in my push ups later....but likely nothing aerobic. Well, hope you all have a nice evening and are ready to tackle this week and wt loss! Let's do this my friends! Go SHGP's. Make each day count! Plan and prioritize!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Well, I attempted to cut/paste rock climbing pics on this thread.... I couldn't figure it out!
    So, if you wanna check out my rock climbing pics -- go to my profile.
    Some of my Girl Scouts did an indoor rock climbing event.... needless to say, I'm the crazy leader who will try it all.
    I will say I had challenges w/the wall. Definitely requires more upper body strength than I anticipated. And I was only successful w/the kiddie beginner rope mount.

    Kelly - how are you now?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend!

    My cough is a little more productive this am, but I need another breathing treatment. I don't really like Albuterol, it makes me jittery, lol. But it does help. Still lacking on a good nites sleep and seriously thinking I need to just be in a different room....dh snores, terrible. :frown: He seems to have no problem getting his 7-8 or even 9 hrs...:noway:

    I did a walk jog this am in the wind....and the challenge was all the way back. Burned 125 there and 157 coming home. Didn't go as far, b/c of my lungs...but may go out again later when the wind calms down..and the sun comes out! :glasses:

    Vita ~ dang that scale! hope you can get out of this plateau soon. I know how frustrating it is! You are getting plenty of exercise, maybe you need to increase your calories? like 100-200 a day. I think you are burning more calories than I am and I eat 1400-1700 a day, and have been steadily losing. Just an idea for ya..... You are determined! :heart:

    Barb ~ the rock climbing sounds cool! I would love to try that....but with no one around. I lack upper body strength, and it is where I carry most of my wt. Still can't do a real push up! I bet that motivated you when you finished!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Ladies :

    Just checking in ..... i know i havent posted in awhile...... i had a friend killed by a drunk driver ... funeral was last thursday.. and i have been very depressed ... i lost 4 pounds last week ... not the good way either i cant seem to eat very much ... all i can do is take 1 day at a time ...... hope everyone else is doing good
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Megan......I am so, so sorry for you girl.....this is such a tragedy. It might seem impossible to go on...but just give yourself plenty of time and know that what you are feeling is real and normal. Just try to eat enough to keep your energy up...we don't want you to get sick...... My heart aches for your broken heart......take care....hugs from the Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's...we love you so much hon :heart:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Thanks Kelly ......:heart: love all you guys too .....
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    One of my co-workers brought in snack bag size of skittles candy.

    Ok, so I grab one bag to enjoy. After a few chews I think, man, a got a hard one. So i spit the candy out in a tissue and threw the tissue my work trash can.

    After I did that I realzed I have a gap in my gums. My permanment dental crown came out! There it was in the half chewed spit out skilltes candy. I went to my boss, told him I had to take the afternoon off and held out my palm with my tooth in it.

    So I had an unscheduled dental visit today. Let me state yesterday I was at the dentist for my 6 month cleaning. Needless to say after some dental work I had last summer I do dislike dental visits.

    The dentist laughed at me.... told me he replaces a lot of crowns after the Halloween candy comes out.

    What I learned - leave the damn candy alone.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Sorry have not checked in since Thursday. I have been sooooo busy with both jobs and found out I will still be working Saturday's until May 11, they extended the tax season in MA. No gain no loss but auntie is visiting this week:grumble: so no gain is ok. I will catch up on what everybody is up to and check back in later.

    Gotta get back to work its crazy busy today :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Sorry this is the first time I think I have posted this week:( Running around like crazy with the kids and roller derby practices all the time and volunteer work and the circuis comming to town:) LOL
    Been doing ok, had a small lunch today ....from taco bell.....:( Still meat free Fell yesterday while skating in my house....
    Hope everyone is doing ok, I will check back in tonight when I get a min to myself, have to go to daughters class room to help out now.
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hi Smokin' Hot Green Peppers! In about 4 more weeks my baby will be here. I am so excited and nervous. I get tired easily now so I don't exercise as much but I still try to exercise for about 60 minutes at least 5 days a week. Hopefully I won't gain too much more weight.

    Megan- Sorry to hear about your friend.

    Barb- Hope your tooth doesn't give you anymore problems.

    Kelly - Thanks for the great chart.

    How is everyone doing on the exercise challenge? I am not doing a very good job. No reason I can't do push ups against the wall. I will do 25 today! Have a great day everyone!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey all....glad to see some activity in here....was gettin' a little worried bout my team...still fightin' this dang wheezy cough. I guess this is one of the worse allergy season's on record? A better nite sleepin' but, still need more. Eatin' has been poor the last 2 days...too much processed food...and have not walked since Monday. Tryin' not to let this allergy thing get me down and set me back. My youngest son (my baby, a Sr.) turns 18 tomorrow! Both boys are going to Des Moines for a, I will worry til they are back home. I did not get varsity boys track (activity) driving this Spring, which is ok b/c that will give me more time to plan for graduation ( May 16th). But, I am hoping to get a job this summer driving for a local camp that runs routes for 9 weekends. This will be new for me as I usually have most of the summer off....but really needing the xtra income. Will know in 2 wks if I get it or not.

    Angie ~ your big day is getting closer!! I think you should be very proud of your commitment to exercise during this pregnancy... I truly admire you for that . You have gained only a small amount, and I bet it will come sooner than you think. Just a few more weeks to go!! So excited!!

    Vita ~ be careful on them skates! have fun with them kiddos and the circus coming to town!

    Cindy ~ hope all is well for you and your busy schedule...take care!

    Barb ~ today has been a Milky Way day for me....choc & sweets calling....which I need to ignore. Hope things go well for your chompers!

    Good day gang! :heart: you all!