This is it! 2013 is the year

Hello all! I've been in and out of MFP for a long time but have never used the forums as a means of encouragement or motivation... that said, it's time!!

After 2 kids and a very lazy, unhealthy lifestyle I find myself getting heavier and sadder with every passing day. I'm tired, in general and I'm tired of not not being the example to my kids! They are both slim and healthy, which is my doing so why can't I do it for myself?!?!

I need friends please! :happy:


  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    Add me, 2013 IS the year!!
  • Well this is my 2nd time with MFP and my waistline AND the scale have both slapped me in the face. Its time for me to get serious. I'll watch ur back if u watch mine...LOL
  • Would also love some new friends. It's my second time on here too but I really want and need it to work this time x
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    I have been at this for a while – and tell you that Perseverance and hard work it definitely pays offf; We all have our own stories and it's easy to make excuses, but if you take it one day at a time things will really begin to fire! it has been easy to slack off over the holidays and I certainly welcome the enthusiasm of new members! Happy new year!
  • feel free to add me! 2013 is the year that I will stick with this!
  • Feel free to add me! I'm starting over as well. Let's encourage each other to do this right in 2013!
  • tessaeve
    tessaeve Posts: 75 Member
    I need a few more friends also, feel free to add me. 2013 is the year I WILL get to goal!
  • 2013 is my year as well. I would love the support, encouragement, and advice. Add me as well. :wink:
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Add me for, support and motivation.
  • It definitely helps to have support on here and people who will give you a virtual high 5 when you have had a good day x
  • debsey99
    debsey99 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me too, I am starting on 2nd Jan, just signed up and raring to go!!
  • Count me in too! 2013 has got to be the year. I have had a double wammy - New Years and a birthday - time for reflection and realistic goals. I lost my husband 11 years ago and have put on 116 pounds since. I'm MISERABLE and embarrassed! I signed up for MFP today, hoping this is the kick I need! Any advice will be welcomed!
  • I just signed up myself. I too am the mom of 2. I'm really excited to do this! Please add me and we can do this together!!