21 year old tired of no self confidence

Hey guys and girls! yes i am 21 years old and i weigh 180lbs :(. ive been so unhappy with myself but not really in the mood to change it. i really need to do this and get myself in shape so i can fit into my clothes again. ive never really been "skinny and fit" but i want to start now, i just need the back up!!


  • SarahFaith1211
    SarahFaith1211 Posts: 21 Member
    Same here. I'm 20. I've always been a little overweight but the last two years have been bad. Looking forward to starting 2013 a better year. But I need motivation bad, It's really hard to get to the gym some days.
  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 21 and 170lbs, just starting out so have a bit to go! Feel free to add me.
  • Always think to yourself that it could be worse, but it also can be better and it will be if you change your eating/exercise habits.
  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey I'm 20 & 168 pounds :) Always happy to have new friends! :)
  • Sammylynn89
    Sammylynn89 Posts: 83 Member
    Im 23 and I started at 189, and only 5'1. I hated myself, but I could just never get the drive to do something about it. My goal is 135ish, I have a ways to go, but I completely understand about the whole confidence thing! You're 21, best time is to start now! Seriously! I'm only 23 but wish I had started this years ago! You got this, mfp is a great support group :) sending a friend request your way, anyone else feel free to add!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Cant go to the store and buy a can of non-alcoholic self confidence. Confidence can only be acquire through accomplishment....so go kick a big boy in the butt! LOL
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    I' 26, 5'4" and 196 lbs... looking for friends as well. Feel free to add me.
  • leannecourtney
    leannecourtney Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 23yrs old, I'm at my biggest weighing 224 pounds :( since been n a relationship I've left my weight go up n up n up h8 how I feel h8 how I look and h8 what my bf sees, this yr I want to get in shape once and for all. Feel free to add me x
  • SarahFaith1211
    SarahFaith1211 Posts: 21 Member
    I was at 225 just last October. I'm only now at 221. I havnt been working too hard the last few months to loose weight but since the past october I've been down to 213 but I've only gained it back. I think it will help to have MyFitnessPal friends who are in the same situation as me.
  • emilyasdf
    emilyasdf Posts: 354 Member
    I'm 21, 238lbs currently. Been wavering around 240s for a while now. I'm new to this, but just so lost and don't know where to go. I'm in search of friends on here as well!
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    i always like new freinds x
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 26 and 170 currently. I was 186 at my heaviest when I was 23. I've been been trying for 3 years now! I always get stuck at 170 =/

    Feel free to add me!
  • I am 26 and have had zero confidence for years. I finally realised that I deserved better from myself - that I was worth the effort to lose weight and get healthy. I have lost 11 pounds so far but have a long way to go! I already feel so much better though and find that I want to make healthier choices.

    Zumba really helped me a lot. It forces me to act silly and to have fun when I was way too serious before. Still a work in progress though! I wrote about it a little on my blog here.

    I am finally getting into all the girly stuff too and started a group on here called Operation Prettify Me just to get myself (and others hopefully) excited and feeling beautiful. We can get there! x
  • my goal is right around the same.
  • you sound JUST like me, same weight and all...except I am 8 years older! best of luck to you! feel free to add me if youd like!
  • Right behind you! I feel exactly the same way.

    Good luck! :)
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    Glad to know there's support out there.
    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • lili89
    lili89 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 23 started at 251lb in september 2012 and currently down 29 lb, i always welcome new friends so please feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 23yrs old, I'm at my biggest weighing 224 pounds :( since been n a relationship I've left my weight go up n up n up h8 how I feel h8 how I look and h8 what my bf sees, this yr I want to get in shape once and for all. Feel free to add me x

    I'm in the same boat. I'm 22 and also at my biggest (285, YIKES!) I have really let myself go knowing that I have someone who doesn't care about my weight, but I gave my head a BIG SHAKE and decided that I need to get healthy for MYSELF. I'm ready to do this and am looking for some friends on here to help me stay motivated!
  • I'm 23. My highest weight was actually 230, but I lost around 80 lbs after having my son. I've gained a few of those lbs back and I'm trying to remember how I lost them to begin with...it would really help if I had support! We can do this!