I want to start weight training--and Zumba!

I really want to get invested with weight training. I feel that I have a significant amount of weight to lose and I think weight training will be good to tone as I'm losing so I won't have to deal with extra skin once I lose weight. I'm also going to get Zumba for the XBOX kinect for my cardio and do it an hour a day. I'm trying to plan out a workout schedule so any tips, tricks, or advice would be helpful!



  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I can't say much about these things except that I like the idea of zumba too, and there is one starting up again in our town next month which i want to do. I found that there are many different styles of doing it based at me looking a youtube videos of different teachers, so maybe you could look there too to get an idea of the different styles and see if there are routines or individual songs that might be fun for you to do too--I like Gigi Garante in Florida myself, as far as youtube goes--
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I have found Zumba is fun. If you can find Zumba toning then you will have your weight training in also. Piloxing is another good exercise because you use weighted gloves and you also do other strengthing exercises with it. Good luck!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I would recommend a zumba class either instead or or as well as doing it on the xbox. In classes you have a real laugh and it almost feels like being out for the night (albeit an hour only) so you get so much from it. One added benefit too is that zumba can be done at differing levels of input and you can see the differences in class however won't get that at home on your own. It is usually very supportive to and if you get a friend to go with you then you may be more likely to stick at it
  • kbutlerrvt
    I have Zumba for the Kinect and, although it is not as enjoyable for me as going to a class, it is still pretty awesome! It definitely helps with cardio. There are some routines where you could add weights and that may even help with toning!
  • antyp
    antyp Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I have done the Zumba with the Kinect and I had a blast! I just bought the DVDs so I can start doing them at home. (The Kinect wasn't mine) I've done it a couple of times already and I really like it. I love Zumba! I've never been to a class but if I were to compare the Kinect to the DVDs I would for sure use the Kinect instead. There are a lot more levels and styles in the game version whereas on the DVD it will always be the exact same thing. I'm sure a class would be fun but I have no one to go with and don't really want to go alone. I wish you the best on your goals! Have fun!
  • angels4everyone
    I would recommend a zumba class either instead or or as well as doing it on the xbox. In classes you have a real laugh and it almost feels like being out for the night (albeit an hour only) so you get so much from it. One added benefit too is that zumba can be done at differing levels of input and you can see the differences in class however won't get that at home on your own. It is usually very supportive to and if you get a friend to go with you then you may be more likely to stick at it

    I would love to do classes but we don't have the money for me to take classes just yet :(
  • julieannhaines
    julieannhaines Posts: 3 Member
    What type of equipment do you have? I'm a Zumba instructor and my husband is a Crossfit instructor, and we both love body weight exercises (pushups, situps, squats, lunges, tricep dips, etc.) If you're looking at picking up equipment, I recommend a kettle bell, if you don't have one. They provide great total body work. I'd start with 15 pounds. This is a pretty good beginner look at kettle bell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pDMOIlPLFE
  • moneypenny50
    moneypenny50 Posts: 18 Member
    I joined a local gym that had assorted classes. I take Zumba twice a week; latin Dance occassionally; and two weight training classes. I love the classes! They keep me motivated. I've made "gym friends". And I treat the classes like I would college classes. I make my plans around my classes. ( Unless it is really important) Because I am important too!