HI-motivational friends please

Technically I am not new to MFP but I am trying some new things. Since I joined I have lost a little weight, gained it back, lost a few lbs again and then gained it back. I would do well with eating and then I wouldn't get the results I wanted as fast as I wanted and then I would cut calories to an unhealthy way. Then I gain the weight back, ugh! So my new years resolution and life plan is to eat healthy whether I lose weight or not. I am cutting out unhealthy foods completely until March and then will have a cheat day once or twice a month.
So I am writing on here to get some friends who will motivate me in a positive way daily!!


  • heygirl1000
    heygirl1000 Posts: 35 Member
    Well Stephanie you have come to the right place! There are some really great people on here! I am starting again myself! This time I plan on reaching my goals and to heck with everything else!

    Good luck on your journey!
