Les Mills Combat

Anyone else start this program yet? Today was day 1 for me and I can tell already - it's going to kick my behind and I'm going to love it!

My HRM is being spastic and wouldn't work today. I'm afraid my calorie burn count is going to be off because LMC is not yet in the database and I can't get it myself. How long does it take for new programs to be put in the database or does it depend on us to put them in?


  • Knoxvilla5
    Knoxvilla5 Posts: 74 Member
    I just started COMBAT about 4 days ago! I'm so psyched!

    Granted, neither of them can form a coherent sentence when they're really getting it in (Her: "Weakness is pain leaving the body"; Him: "Yeah, baby! I like SPICY Jack Daniels sauce on my... SPICINESS!"), but I love kicking things, and THIS workout ENGAGES me, and I can keep with what engages me.

    I'm also gonna try to fit in as much P90X as possible concurrent with Combat, but I'll need another week for that. With the sheer number of push ups and pull ups in P90X, I need to get the soreness out of my back from all of these punches we throw in Combat.

    Also, I tried TurboFire for a week couple of weeks back, HATED the music (I don't want to listen to disco when I'm trying to get fit), and returned it, but after I finish Combat, I'll be ready to deal with Chalean. I'll hate her music, but maybe I'll tone my thighs even further.

    And during all of this, I'm going to be doing heavy lifting. I'm not one of those EXTREMELY RARE women who bulk oddly from the heavy lifting, so I'll be back at that as soon as I can buy my two 45# Oly plates for my rusty trusy Oly bar.

  • I LOVE BodyCombat! We have a class at our gym and I am always dripping with sweat afterwards, what a great work out!
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    love love love combat & all of the other les mills classes, :-)
    i've been doing them for years & they definitely do work!
    i average around 600 cals on my HRM for a 60m class
  • I JUST finished the training and Kick Start 30 for the first time. I'm going to enjoy this. Need calorie counts.
  • Both P90X and LMC? I'm impressed! Doing my first bout of P90X is what got me in good enough shape to do LMC as soon as it came out...but I am a few months away from doing them together! :) That's a good goal for me! :)

    Today was day 17 for me and I'm still loving every second of this workout! Except for burpees. I could do without those, but I still get them done! ;)