Bodyweight bootcamp for beginners

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Thought i'd add a workout that requires no equipment..a skipping rope is helpful but not necessary, (if you don't have one, pretend like you do, going through the motions) This bootcamp will get your heart rate pumping and promote fat loss, coordination, strength, and stamina. I add higher intensity moves with some weights and now you've got an intermediate workout. If available to you pull ups at the end of the drill would be a bonus, not necessary though! This workout should take you between 30-40 minutes, this workout can be done 2xs a week and even replace your current cardio sessions if you need a change.

Do a 5 minute warm up and stretch

Workout exercises and sequence:

Push ups continuous for one minute, hold the top position if you cannot continue.
Sit-ups continuous for one minute, hold the top position if you cannot continue.
Pushups 20 repetitions (reps)
Sit-ups 20 reps
Pushups 15 reps
Sit-ups 15 reps
Pushups 12 reps
Sit-ups 12 reps
Body weight squats 1 min
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec This is a sit up where both the lower and upper body come off the ground to meet at a point above your stomach.
Alternate forward lunges 1 min
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec
Burpee's 30 seconds From the standing position, squat down and shoot your legs back so that you are now in the push up position. From there pull your legs back in stand up and jump with your arms overhead.
Side to side lunge

-Break for one minute-

Skip rope for one minute
Bodyweight squats 1 minute
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec
Low position squat holds (5 second bottom holds) 1 minute
Mountain climbers 30 sec While in the push up position pull your legs in one at a time so that you are essentially running in the horizontal position if you go fast enough.
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec
Side to side lunge 30 sec

-Break for one minute-

Skip for one minute
Pushups 25
Arm circles 30 sec forward than back Keep thumbs pointing down.
Pushups 15
Arm circles 30 sec forward than back
Pushups 10
Arm circles 30 seconds forward and back
Skip one minute
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec
Squat thrusts 30 seconds Almost like the mountain climber but while in the push up position both legs are pulled in and shot back at the same time.
Jumping jacks 1 min
Bodyweight V-ups 30 sec
Knees high jog 30 seconds
Butt kicks jog 30 seconds Running on the spot while kicking your own butt!
Side crunches 30 per side

-Rest 30 seconds-

-Finishing ab routine-
Reverse crunches x20 Raising the hips and tailbone off the ground, if you are advanced feel free to up the reps!
Crunches x20
Planks for 1 minute. Basically a pushup position but your bodyweight will be resting on your forearms instead of your hands, just hold it! If you are advanced, alternate lifting your legs while remaining in the plank position, remember BUMS down!!completely straight body position, quite a few people do these wrong, if you're not feeling the burn after a minute, check your form in a mirror, a good chance your tushy is way up in the air :laugh: have someone put a foot on your booty to keep it in check if you must.
Repeat circuit 3 times with no rest.

A quick edit. I thought i'd mention that this is fantastic for travelling, as it requires little room to perform the exercises, I bring along exercise bands to increase the intensity and add resistance to the workout.


  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Thanks so much. I will give this one a try tomorrow afternoon. I already have an aerobicss class today and a routine for tomorrow am... I will let you know how well I make it :D
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks so much. I will give this one a try tomorrow afternoon. I already have an aerobicss class today and a routine for tomorrow am... I will let you know how well I make it :D

    Please give me feedback, positive and the negative, wether too hard, too easy or how you adapted the exercises to fit your needs, and even if you think this was or wasn't a beginner program! Thanks :happy:
  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks! I am going to add his next week!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks for the routine. I do have limited space and it gets frustrating doing workouts that want you to travel in a big area.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks for the routine. I do have limited space and it gets frustrating doing workouts that want you to travel in a big area.

    You could do this in a bathroom :laugh: :tongue:
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay... so I am reviewing the workout so that I can do it later... I have a few questions.

    How many or how long do we do the side to side lunges?

    When doing the squats are these meant to be wall squats or squats with no support?

    What is a low position squat? Just a lower verison of a reg. squat?

    Also, it says it is about a 30 min. routine but that seems to be for just one time through. Are we suppose to do the complete routine 3x?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Okay... so I am reviewing the workout so that I can do it later... I have a few questions.

    How many or how long do we do the side to side lunges?

    When doing the squats are these meant to be wall squats or squats with no support?

    What is a low position squat? Just a lower verison of a reg. squat?

    Also, it says it is about a 30 min. routine but that seems to be for just one time through. Are we suppose to do the complete routine 3x?

    Sorry it was a typo, side to lunge for 30 seconds, it's your workout, if you want to do squats with no support go ahead, I like wall squats myself, much more challenging. A low squat is a basement squat..going as far down as you can without comprising your form. I would rather see you do this routine once and intensify it if it proves to be too easy, you shouldn't need to it it more then once.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Thanks so much... I am thinking that 1 time through will kick my butt, but I will let you know :D

    Oh... how do we count this on our log?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    That's a tough one, I wear a HMR and I burn as many calories in a haf hour doing this bootcamp as I do in a high impact step class..don't know if that helps you...:laugh: , i'm 5'4 110lbs and in half an hour I burned 329calories, which is a huge amount for someone my size, bigger you are the more you'd burn.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
  • bump:smile:
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I dont wear a HMR because 1. dont have one 2. I am afraid they might not work right for me since I sweat a lot.... even if the workout is not very straining.

    I am about 174 and 5'1 does about 450 sound right? Anybody about my size have an idea?

    If not, I would rather just count 329... to be on the safe side. Would rather under estimate than over.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    That is one psycho routine! I was looking for something to do today and I will print it out! I'll let you know when I'm done.

    I'm 5'6" and weigh 190-something - I bet this will be up there around 400-500 cal/burn will report back once I've done it - if still ALIVE :laugh:

    The V-sits will surely kill me (darned spare tire) and plank for a minute?? 45 sec so far has been by upper limit!
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :sick: :sick: :sick:
    Seriously? 3 sets of this routine?
    It took me 45 minutes (including the 5 minute warm up) to complete 1 set. I got distracted maybe 2 minutes because of my babies, but seriously...?
    For me: 1 set of all 4 routines = 45 minutes and 461 calories

    :noway: V-sits, couldn't do them. I tried the modified v-sit and couldn't do them. replaced with bicycle
    :noway: plank 45 seconds
    :sick: all those push ups??? seriously, a minute of push ups? even modified? followed by a minute of sit ups (I assume the old fashioned interlaced fingers behind the head full motion sit up?)

    How in the heck do you get through 3 sets of all those exercises in 45 minutes?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    :sick: :sick: :sick:
    Seriously? 3 sets of this routine?
    It took me 45 minutes (including the 5 minute warm up) to complete 1 set. I got distracted maybe 2 minutes because of my babies, but seriously...?
    For me: 1 set of all 4 routines = 45 minutes and 461 calories

    :noway: V-sits, couldn't do them. I tried the modified v-sit and couldn't do them. replaced with bicycle
    :noway: plank 45 seconds
    :sick: all those push ups??? seriously, a minute of push ups? even modified? followed by a minute of sit ups (I assume the old fashioned interlaced fingers behind the head full motion sit up?)

    HAHA! sorry!, you only do 3 sets of the last ab routine, not unil I read your post when I realized that it could be misunderstood as the whole entire workout! my bad! sorry! and yup, the hand behind the head crunches...I can send you some easier more modified bootcamp if you like, they really do work, i'm sorry you struggled a little with this one..I hope you at least got good sweat on!

    How in the heck do you get through 3 sets of all those exercises in 45 minutes?
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Nice routine! I love dynamic workouts. It's very Crossfit-ish. I'm saving to Evernote for workout ideas when on traveling.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Too many pushups!! :tongue:

    I think for a beginner it might be too much?? 6 months ago when I first started working out I could not have finished it. Now I can definitely sustain it but I think it might be too long and someone doing it on their own may give up after the first set...just my thought!

    But it definitely gets your heart rate up and would be great to throw in for a change. Thanks for sharing :smile:
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