T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Fresh Start wk1



  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning to all of us motivated people.
    Nice to see some old friends here, but just as nice to see the newest members. We all have the same goal - to get healthy, feel good about ourselves, and be the best we can be - for our own personal satisfaction, as well as for the people we love.

    So let's do it!

    In a few weeks, I'll be doing something I haven't done in over three years - travel. I'm not going far. Just taking a 5 hour train ride, to visit my daughter and granddaughters, but since I've had fibromyalgia, I've stayed pretty close to home. This is a big thing for me. I currently have 3 or 4 days per week, where I can barely function, but I'm going to try to get lots of rest, some good sleep...and we'll see. Since I'll be visiting my kids, the pressure will be off me, to be on the go constantly. They'll let me sleep when I need to...

    And my mini goal is to lose about 4 pounds, before the 23rd. I think it's attainable, and it's the difference between me wearing big pants with a belt...or slipping into my skinnier jeans and capris - comfortably...

    I'm struggling with nighttime snacking, but trying to keep them low cal and healthy. And, as usual, I'm having "issues" with drinking lots of water. I kind of hate plain water...

    Anyway, wishing everyone a really good day...
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    I will come back and introduce myself to everyone. Have a beautiful day. :bigsmile:
  • theresampb
    I'd like to join too. I have been off of MFP for a while, but after seeing myself in recent vacation photos, I am motivated to start again. I have never joined a group, but think it will be helpful to me.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Welcome new members. Don't forget Friday is weigh in. We do have a challenge this week. When we post our weigh ins I want to know what you did this week to help you loose or maintain. It can be something simple. Did you get in an extra walk? extra work out? Skip a second helping at dinner, leave more food on your plate??? I want every one to give at least one thing... Then we will reflect on our weigh ins... how does it make you feel... vent about how you felt when you got on the scale... Then remember, Tuesday will be the first day of the new thread... no more dwelling on this week...It will be a new week, it's going to be a what can I do differently this week then last week.. we have all fallen off the wagon at least once. Let's move on and help each other up. Winter is almost gone for most of us, if not gone for others. No more using winter as an excuse. We can all do it.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Good morning to all of us motivated people.
    Nice to see some old friends here, but just as nice to see the newest members. We all have the same goal - to get healthy, feel good about ourselves, and be the best we can be - for our own personal satisfaction, as well as for the people we love.

    So let's do it!

    In a few weeks, I'll be doing something I haven't done in over three years - travel. I'm not going far. Just taking a 5 hour train ride, to visit my daughter and granddaughters, but since I've had fibromyalgia, I've stayed pretty close to home. This is a big thing for me. I currently have 3 or 4 days per week, where I can barely function, but I'm going to try to get lots of rest, some good sleep...and we'll see. Since I'll be visiting my kids, the pressure will be off me, to be on the go constantly. They'll let me sleep when I need to...

    And my mini goal is to lose about 4 pounds, before the 23rd. I think it's attainable, and it's the difference between me wearing big pants with a belt...or slipping into my skinnier jeans and capris - comfortably...

    I'm struggling with nighttime snacking, but trying to keep them low cal and healthy. And, as usual, I'm having "issues" with drinking lots of water. I kind of hate plain water...

    Anyway, wishing everyone a really good day...

    Take it easy while your gone. You don't need to over do it. I think your mini goal sounds good. You can do it. I started keeping carrots, celery and apples in the kitchen for my night time snacking. It seems to be helping.

    I hope you have fun visiting you family.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the boost of confidence, Kelly! I've also stocked my fridge with healthier snack choices - fruits, vegetables...

    One thing I learned last go-round was that I had to feel full after supper, or I'd crave snacks all night. I'm more careful with WHAT goes on my plate, rather than portion size. Last night, I had a humongous bowl of salad (took me over 20 minutes to eat it all), so I'll state that it's a myth...that you can't get full on salad. Oh yes you can!

    I'm looking forward to weigh in, plus answering the challenges. It's going to take me awhile to adapt to MFP once again, but this week has been a pretty good start. I find that when I track my food, I'm less inclined to just grab a snack without thinking. I'm always aware that I have to list my food. Keeps me honest...:laugh:
  • littlecompton
    I am excited to join too. Thank you for sharing the support and motivation.

    I am 43, and have struggled with my weight for years. I lost a lot of weight in my mid 20's, then got married and began to gain immediately. Then lost both my parents, sure that had something to do with binging. I am so ready to finally beat this. So often we get ready to do it and then feel horrible when we don't even make it one day. Well, I am here to talk, and listen, and hopefully we can keep each other strong during the tough times.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I am excited to join too. Thank you for sharing the support and motivation.

    I am 43, and have struggled with my weight for years. I lost a lot of weight in my mid 20's, then got married and began to gain immediately. Then lost both my parents, sure that had something to do with binging. I am so ready to finally beat this. So often we get ready to do it and then feel horrible when we don't even make it one day. Well, I am here to talk, and listen, and hopefully we can keep each other strong during the tough times.

    Welcome. I'm sorry to hear about losing your parents. That must have been hard on you. But this is a great group. I wish you luck on your journey.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Good morning guys. Today I weighed in. Of course I'm using the scale at home which is not my normal scale, so I'll weigh later at work with the scale that I am used too. As of right now there is no change. I've really been working on maintaining for awhile. I need to know that when I get down to the number that I want to be at, that I can and will maintain it. So as of right now I'm at 137 and I usually fluctuate between 135 and 137 daily. I'm use to weighing in later on in the day and that usually makes a difference. But this week I gave up a few night time snacks, and I ate a few more healthier snack, celery and apples. For the most part I tracked a good deal of food, I have been slacking in that area for a while. I also got in an extra walk outside of my normal walking.

    Pawprint-No change.

    I'm excited to hear about everyone else.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member

    Lost 1 pound this week.
    Mini goal - lose another 2 or 3 pounds in the next two weeks.
    Long term goal - Lose 10 to 15 pounds, and keep it off.

    This week, I focused on making better food choices. More fruits and vegetables, and less bread, pasta, etc.
    I'm also doing better with late-night snacking. I try to keep my snack down to 100 calories or less.
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Is it too late to join??

    My name is Jessica, I am a 22 year old wife and mom of 3 beautiful girls! I have struggled with my weight since I started having kids..168 was my heaviest weight and I am 139 now..My goal weight is 115 because I am short:tongue: and i do not hold weight very well..I have alot of extra weight in my lower body..suggestions please...I also want to firm and flatten my stomach as well as tone my arms and legs..I HATE water so that has been an adjustment...I havent been working out and not real sure where to start..Hope everyone has a good Friday!!
  • Ladyhyjinx
    Thanks for starting this group. Love to join in the success!

    I'm a walker/dancer....lol, wearing my ped every day. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.....I'm brand new to this site.

    Loving it so far.

    Onward and 'downward.'
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning.. and Happy Friday MFP friends. Kelly thanks so much for the facebook link.. What a reminder..

    Well as of Monday I am starting to workout with a personal trainer.. I'm excited and best of all it's free.. My lovely niece is willing to do it.. She offered and I accepted.. It's on her time but thats okay since I"m not working right now.. I'm struggling with getting on track and I think a lot of it is Facebook and my computers...

    Well time to deal with it...

  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, week one over.

    Weight - 195.5
    Gain - .50

    Up a half a pound but I believe it is because of my tom. My husband and I have been walking every day extra after dinner. I plan to walk extra today as I splurged on lunch today.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Week one is over and last week I weighed 253.5 and this week I weighed in at 245.5. I started taking my water pill again and that is why I have the weight loss. I started last June at 273.5 and I lost 34lbs before I got off track. I am still up 6lb. but I have kept some off so that is great. I am gonna play with my ticker and change it up. I have a goal of 225lb before my son's wedding July 11th. so if I can figure out how to change my ticker I am going to set it to how many lbs to go. I want to watch it go down LOL. Good going everyone and good luck on all your mini goals.

    What I did to lose this week .....I started my water pill again, I drank SOME water, not a lot but I made myself drink some this week. I also made sure to not eat out of lonliness since my son was gone all week to California. When I got lonely I started playing on facebook or I just went to bed early.

    Welcome newbies, we're a great bunch of gals. We all are in the same boat and we help each other paddle to our goals!!

  • chobwee
    chobwee Posts: 1
    I would love to join this group! I have just started MFP 5 days ago and I am super excited. I currently dont know anyone who is trying to lose a significant amount of weight like I am and I know it would help me out to have some support. I have always struggled with my weight, but now since I am 26 it's time to take charge of my life.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    Ok, so here goes... So I popped on the wii fit a couple days ago and it said I hadnt been on it for 51 days.. LOL.... Ouch! BUT I had been doing other things for exercise and it said I had lost 1.8lbs since my last weigh in...so that I was happy with. Then I popped on the scale upstairs (which is the one I truely go by, because my wii seems to weigh low) and that scale said I was 224.2. I thought it would be worst. I could have sworn that I had gained like 7lbs (cuz thats what it felt like) from our trip, but since i was only up 2, I could live with that considering all the pigging out I did plus TOM...

    Anyway... this morning I popped on again (its Friday afterall) and it said I was 222.8... SO, THAT is the number I am going with for my starting weight for the fresh start. :0) Its not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Today I have a laundry room to paint. I have contractors coming to put in a new tile floor and backsplash on Monday. I went for a nice walk yesterday, then spent the rest of the day completely cleaning it out, so that was my exercise. (lemme tell ya, there was TONS of crap in there! :laugh: )


    My name is Cyndi and Im a 36 year old married mom of 3 teens. My goal weight for now is 200. :0)
    Im a walker, wogger, swimmer that used to LOVE my gym, but am finding it very hard to get there now on a regular basis so I may need a kick to the backside occasionally to keep me motivated. :wink:

    PS... I am going to reset my ticker to zero so I can focus on this last 23 or so pounds. Im hoping it will motivate me more :laugh:
  • theresampb
    Hi I'm 43 and a mother of 2. I have always struggled with my weight since childhood, but back when I was 22, I lost 40 pounds doing weight watchers and managed to keep it off until I hit 30 - then I had my gallbladder out and it slowly started coming back on again. Then at 34 I had my first child, then my second, and each one I gained weight. Then 3 years ago, I had to have a hysterectomy and am now on hormones, and gained an additional 30 lbs. I'm about 90 lbs heavier then I was at my lightest weight in my 20s, which I would love to get to again.

    Anyway, I have tried everything, but I guess I haven't really tried hard enough. I'm actually going back to what worked 20 years ago, and that is my old weight watchers with exchanges (similar to a diabetic diet), since that is what worked for me then.

    Anyway, I just started on Tuesday and have lost 2.2 pounds. I'd love to lose 90 lbs, but I'm going to set 10 pound mini goals, to keep motivated.

    this week I stopped eating anything after dinner, and drank more water.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi there, my name is Jennifer and I am 34 getting married at the end of August this year. I bought my dress at the beginning of the year in hopes to have it altered to a smaller size for the wedding.

    I too have a confession. I have not changed my weigh-in with MFP for quite some time. About 1 1/2 weeks ago I was sick and used that as an excuse to eat badly and not workout. GRRR!!! I am very upset with myself becuase I gained 7 pounds in 1 1/2 weeks time. I did lose most of it right away when I got back to eating right and working out. I am in month 2 of Insanity and am really loving it, but finding it hard to stay motivated to get it done.

    This morning I weighed in at 166. Last week I was at 165. That I am also upset with. I have worked out every day since Tuesday and have done nothing but clean eating all week. This is very frustrating.

    My challenge for this weekend is to continue my clean eating and not give into temptation. Even if I am not completely motivated I do get in my workouts. I would just prefer to be 100% in the game when I press play. My ultimate goal is to be at 155.

    On the water issue, I am not sure who said they don't like water. Have you tried Crystal LIght to go packs? They are really good and only 5 calories per serving. I have been drinking the Natural Pink Lemonade for the last week and it is great. Tastes like Summer.

    Thanx, everyone for listening. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I would love to join this group! I have just started MFP 5 days ago and I am super excited. I currently dont know anyone who is trying to lose a significant amount of weight like I am and I know it would help me out to have some support. I have always struggled with my weight, but now since I am 26 it's time to take charge of my life.

    when i started last June I had 97lbs to lose. I have 70.5 now to lose. We can work on it together. I'll try to help you if you can help me.
