obsessed with the scale

brunsie Posts: 54
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
How do I stop this. I know you are only supposed to weigh in once a week, however, I weigh myself at least 4 times a day. Not sure why, but it is like I have to. How do I stop that aside from throwing the scale away. If I hide it I will know where it is and get it. I can't get rid of it. Has anyone else had this?


  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    I actually don't have a scale in my house because I know I would be doing the same thing. Waiting for the magic wand to zap major amounts of weight off in a couple hours. Instead I have found a place that has a doctor's type of scale and only weigh myself on that one. It's at my church, so I basically can only get to it a couple times per week. You could put yours in a really high place that would make it a pain to get down all the time....:tongue:
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I have the same problem with the scale. I will weigh 6 times in a day, with clothes, without clothes, and the list goes on. Part of the program I am on addresses the whole scale addiction and it is recommended that no weighing should be done until you get close to goal weight. If you must weigh they suggest only weighing when you start a new phase (for this program it is every 6 weeks and there are 4 phases) This was a huge challenge for me. The first phase I weighed often. The second phase I made it to the 4th week and I only have a moment here and there where I want to weigh, but I don't. I would love to be able to tell you this is because of discipline on my part. It isn't, I finally had my husband hide the scale and I gave him the date when I am allowed to weigh. Part of my scale obsession is weighing on the same scale so I am not tempted to weigh at the gym.:noway:
  • jermee
    jermee Posts: 15
    You sound like my wife. Our trainer told me to hid the scale. Can anyone hide your scale for you?
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I have the same disease... LOL
  • sclay32
    sclay32 Posts: 4
    If you get the answer please let me know. I think I am a little OCD with weighing myself now. I honestly weigh myself about 10 times a day. Morning, noon and night. I have had people hide my scale and I have either found it or drove to the mall to weigh myself at GNC. I don't know what else to do :cry: :blushing:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Have your husband hide it and every week when it's time to weigh it, have him get it, but without letting you know WHERE it is.
  • brunsie
    brunsie Posts: 54
    I can have my husband hide the scale. I know he would do that for me. He weighs in on Friday's, but can take it down and hide it again until I weigh in on Monday's.

    Maybe I can burn some calories running around the house looking for the scale. :laugh:
  • brunsie
    brunsie Posts: 54
    I will weigh right after the bathroom, stripped first thing in the morning, then with clothes, then when I get home, after I pee, before dinner, after dinner, before bed. I tell you, it is crazy.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Guilty!! Not being able to weigh myself actually pushes me more and makes me stay on track. But I still weigh every chance I get. Have someone else hide it within the house or let a friend/neighbor store it. But if you don't have negative side effects (depressed when you don't lose), then keep doing it.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i had a friend take it away from me for a month and was so happy when i weighed myself after the month instead of every single day!

    it was difficult but def worth it.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    This is just my 2cents....

    I really dont think there should be any hard and fast rules when it comes to weighing ourselves. Some people do it several times a day to keep them on track. I try and do it once a week because I like to see a bigger loss.

    I think the only time you should be concerned about daily weigh ins is if it interferes with your life.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I've gone through the same struggle and finally started only weighing in the first thing every morning, beginning last week. It has been very difficult to stay away from my scale. It has been so worthwhile to changing to only A.M. to get the most accurate count. I hope to cut back getting on the scale only weekly, especially now because my period just started and the extra weight from bloat makes me depressed and anxious when weighing in. It took me over a month to consciously take control and stay away from the scale. I still have my moments of weakness. Take your time and good luck.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I personally find it helpful to weigh myself everyday, even a few times a day. It helps me get a good idea of how my weight fluctuates based on what I'm eating/doing so that when and if there's a weight gain the next day of one or two pounds I know that I ate such and such or did a perticular exercise which would cause me to retain water. It helps me get a better understanding of what my body does weight wise depending on a perticular routine.

  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    I have that diease to. Even if I could get someone to hide it at home, I have a scale in my office at work, which has to be there in order to weigh the patients. I get on that scale to, with shoes, without shoes, you name. I would like to go cold turkey and quit checking my weight so much, but I know I will go into withdrawals.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    The first few weeks I started this I was ok with only weighing once a week (Friday) then it became an obsession for me too! One day I think I weighed about 8 times!! :laugh: So now I get hubby to put the scales in the loft (and get them down for me on a Thursday evening/Friday morning) 1. because I can't reach 2. because even if I could I wouldn't be venturing up there anyway! lol :laugh:
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    I used to be obsessed with the scale when I started. Seeing the amount going down, down, down. Now I know why they say weigh yourself once a week. Your weight can fluctuate daily, if not hourly. I learned that the number it told me one second versus the other is false. Weighing in weekly gives your body and your scale a chance to solidly say what weight you are at. But on a good week I still go back a couple time to double check the number. It's hard to believe your own success sometimes!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was obsessed with the scale when I first started and I would weigh myself over and over again, all day long. At some point, I noticed that I was getting stressed out about weighing in and would actually weigh more in the mornings because I was stressed out about it. Then I got into a size 8 pants. And I haven't been able to wear a size 8 EVER. I think it was at that point that I quit being so obsessed with it. I weigh in every day in the mornings now. Just once and that's it. It helps me to take a better look at what I'm eating and how it affects me. I skip days all the time and it's okay.

    On to what another poster said, I don't think there should be hard and fast rules either. If you can't find the scale, it might stress you out so do what's comfortable.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Yeah I've gotten to the point of weighing myself in the morning before eating breakfast, but I weigh almost every morning to keep myself in the same range....so if I go up a few lbs, I can work it back down....the last time I ignored the scale, I was almost 10 lbs heavier, but then again I ignored my dieting habits too lol
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Guilty as well ~ and it drives me crazy! What makes me so concerned is the power it has over my moods : good number good mood/ bad number bad mood ...... I cause myself so much unnecessary pain!!
    Great idea on having DH hide the scale ~ I am going to try it tonight!!
    Anything is better than this!! I hope it works.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    The only scale I have is on my Wii Fit, and it is a hassle to set up for multiple weigh ins everyday. That hassle has made it easy for me to just weigh in on Sundays. :)
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