Turning 30!



  • I've worked out that if I lose 1lb a week, then I'll lose a stone before my 30th in April :smile:
  • LanaNZ
    LanaNZ Posts: 5 Member
    Woohoo 30's club! I turned 30 in November but I'm having a party in the next couple of months and I would really love to shift some weight before then so I can feel great about myself infront of my family and friends. I'm adding you now :)
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    I'm "rejoining" MFP as well!! I turn 30 in 2 days and I have about 40lbs to lose to get to my goal.

    I'm determined that this is the year that I'm going to do it!
  • Hi, hope u done what u aimed for. I turn 30 at end of jan. I don't have too much to lose. Maybe 12lb but its still difficult. Starting it this time and sticking to it! No one else can do it for me :) unfortunately lol x
  • Hi, hope u done what u aimed for. I turn 30 at end of jan. I don't have too much to lose. Maybe 12lb but its still difficult. Starting it this time and sticking to it! No one else can do it for me :) unfortunately lol x
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    I turned 30 last July, I have about 70lbs to lose. Feel free to add me too :)
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    I will be turning 44 this Summer. I need to lose 20-25 pounds by then. :smile:

    Sorry, I didn't realized this is a turned 30 thread. Lol.
  • I turn 30 in October and want to feel like I did in my early 20s.
  • hi, how are you all doing? my name is Ebele and i am a Nigerian. i am turning 30 in April too #yaaaaay!!!!! Anyways lets motivate ourselves and more importantly share fitness ideas. i have about 30kg to go :(:sad:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Welcome, and welcome to your 30s. All the best people are in their 30s, for sure. I'm another newbie to MFP. I don't have 80 pounds to lose, but my initial goal was to lose 50 pounds, and I'm 30 pounds down and going strong. If I can do it with my wife and daughter constantly baking sweet treats to tempt me from the path of righteousness, then anyone can!