when did weight loss become not enough?:S

i thought id start 2013 with a rant at the fitness community so as the headline would suggest..when did weight loss become not enough ,when did calories in vs calories out become not enough? seems like everyday i see on here a crack pot half brained idea of a diet that people seem to follow like brain dead zombies now before you think oh what an *** HOLE im saying this from a position of relative knowledge ive tried them all seriously over the last year everything from low carb(wtf) to paleo( we dont live in caves anymore so yeah) even silly things like psmf( not pleasant) ive listened to countless "bros" tell me how to meet my fitness goals and ultimately decided that im no longer going to allow myself to be indoctrinated in to the preconceived ideas the fitness "professionals"(and i use the term loosely" have about weight lose so just a few pointers before my rant finishes:P:
1. 6 meals a day? why this is the norm among the fit and active is beyond me , now if this works for you keep at it! if not dont be afraid of 3,2 maybe even 1 meal a day your metabolism isnt going to stop because you havent eaten for 15 minutes:P
2. for god sake people stop buying workout dvds where people who were clearley in shape have let themselfs go in order to promote the dvd its just insanity<< no shots;) bit of cardio a touch of weight training and your there and in 30 days your shredded..again no shots:P
3. never ever...and i mean ever listen to bro science..ever
4.dont do low carb.. dont do low fat ... the only thing your going to need to lower is calories, at this point its scientific fact that theres no advantages of a low fat and or low carb diet/low fat diet in a regular average joe person
5. starvation mode....yeah
6.finally people dont let it own you! just be a normal person dont let the fact you on a diet control your life so you go over you limit one day! big woop its the 90% of what you do not the 10% and finally like proper finally do it for yourself! not anyone else!
so yeah good luck this year loose loads of weight my people! 11871746.png
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  • dan11222
    dan11222 Posts: 90 Member
    so what does everyone hate about the fitness community:P
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Well said

    As for what I hate about the fitness community, I don't have any. While conflicting advises irrates me but to me, what matters is the one that works for me. One thing to consider is that there is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to nutrition and exercise. Keep doing what works for you but if not then at least it won't hurt you to experiment the different advises until you find the one that works for you.
  • dan11222
    dan11222 Posts: 90 Member
    very well said
  • haley98110
    haley98110 Posts: 65 Member
    I like the way you think...
    and I would have to agree with the lady above me, conflicting advice I get has constantly got my head in a spin. Low fat... no cut out sugar... no don't do that, cut out carbs!! seriously I'm not trying to do any of that BS anymore..
    It's all just common sense, don't eat over your calorie intake and try to make the best of the calories you have to eat ie: don't eat them all in one meal, and exercise. There's no big secret about it.
  • dan11222
    dan11222 Posts: 90 Member
    exaclty it really is that simple i dont know why it gets so over complicated lol!
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    I love a lot of what you have to say, but I snipped out some things in particular:
    1. 6 meals a day? why this is the norm among the fit and active is beyond me , now if this works for you keep at it! if not dont be afraid of 3,2 maybe even 1 meal a day your metabolism isnt going to stop because you havent eaten for 15 minutes:P


    5. starvation mode....yeah

    I understand the need to not go down too low on calories, but for me it's mostly about needing to fuel workouts and make good choices (which I don't always do if I've been skipping meals all day). I love the "your metabolism isn't going to stop because you haven't eaten for 15 minutes." :D

    6.finally people dont let it own you! just be a normal person dont let the fact you on a diet control your life so you go over you limit one day!

    Good advice---don't let it own you. As with any change I've made over the years, being in a re-start mode means that nutrition and food are taking up a little more of my mental energy than I would like. I'm happy for the reminder to just let it stay the right size in my brain and get on with things. Plan, eat, log (or log then eat) and move on to more important things.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I agree with you on all aspects but there is nothing I hate about it. This place saved my life, for free I might add, and I'm very grateful. What others do and how they do it, well that's not for me to judge. So I just do what I know works for me and try to be supportive. :smile: