Looking for an accountability Partner

Im not sure if anyone else is in this positon but I would like to connect with someone that I can be held accountable too for the next 4-6 weeks..a daily check in. I will return the favor, share our goals..check in be there for the lws and the highs... Drop me a note if interested. I will be using this site to log EVERYTHING!:smile:


  • Lily26Wal
    Heya I am in! Feel free to add me if you like. Good Luck!!
  • peach688
    peach688 Posts: 13 Member
    I am also interested :]
  • lauramcfarlane1994
    I'm defo up for this! Maybe us four could match into 2's or group motivate?
  • Lily26Wal
    group motivate deffo, atleast then we would know someone would be there! lol
  • lauramcfarlane1994
    Sounds good! Shall we group email maybe? Might be easier
  • claudiacarmel
    claudiacarmel Posts: 39 Member
    I love the group idea, also!
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I'm game. I joined this site last week to try and get back tone & definition. Been logging in my food & exercise daily and trying to stay 100% on top of things. I never was into exercise so this is certainly a new challenge for me. Just took my first "before" photos today, so now I'm really pumped to stick through this.
  • katv93
    katv93 Posts: 4
    i'm in!
  • katie070563
    Count me in!!
  • nazish17
    nazish17 Posts: 61 Member
    me too please (:

    i am new to the website could do with some motivation and someone to share the journey with..
  • I would love to. I update my fitbit before bed everynight and log my food throughout the day. Today is exactly 1 week since I've signed up and I'm down 4.4lbs. I'm happy :)
  • mdh185
    mdh185 Posts: 49 Member
    Looking for the samething. I also let 30 lbs slip on, I have lost 10 but I am stuck here. Added motivation would be great.
  • helptheyoung
    hi count me in too :) i would love this idea :)
  • shelle2k75
    shelle2k75 Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in!
  • khyudh
    khyudh Posts: 8
    HI started today would love this, it wold really help get me started.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Count me in - sweating 5x/week for the next 6 weeks is my goal.