Losing weight with thyroid problems

Before anyone thinks I am trying to make excuses here, I had a total thyroidectomy last month. So, I have absolutely no thyroid left, I am on meds, but having a really hard time getting my thyroid levels in range. I can barely walk around, let alone exercise right now and can't seem to lose any weight despite counting calories.

Ok, enough complaining...I'm really just wondering if anyone else has been in my position and if you had an advise or even just encouragement that you got through it?

Thank you.


  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
  • smileyII
    smileyII Posts: 37 Member
    I had a thyroidectomy in 2010 and I just had surgery again in July where I had to go off the medication. It gets better!!! Hang in there!! I promise you will be feeling better soon:)
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you! It's good to know it will get better, I'm trying to be patient.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Before anyone thinks I am trying to make excuses here, I had a total thyroidectomy last month. So, I have absolutely no thyroid left, I am on meds, but having a really hard time getting my thyroid levels in range. I can barely walk around, let alone exercise right now and can't seem to lose any weight despite counting calories.

    Ok, enough complaining...I'm really just wondering if anyone else has been in my position and if you had an advise or even just encouragement that you got through it?

    Thank you.

    I had a total thyroidectomy in Oct 2012 as treatment for unmanagable graves disease.

    Please remember that you don't just want your thyroid levels "in range", but that you want them OPTIMAL. Optimal generally means your free T4 test is about mid-range, and your free T3 test is in the top 1/3 of the range your lab uses.

    What labs is your doctor running? Are they testing your free T3 and free T4? Many doctors just test TSH, which is a pituitary hormone and not an actual test of thyroid levels. As well, TSH is often supressed in people taking thyroid meds, so it really isn't a good measure of levels.

    Many/most doctors aren't well educated in thyroid management, so you'll have to be your own advocate here.

    What meds are you on - a synthetic T4-only supplement like synthroid or levothyroxine? If so it's especially important to have that free T3 tested, to make sure your body is converting the T4 into T3. Honestly, many people have conversion issues post-surgery; plus the synthetic T4 is more difficult to convert. I would look at switching to a natural/dessicated thyroid med like Armour or Nature Thyroid, as they contain both T3 and T4.
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 132 Member
    I have been treated for hypothyroid for nearly 40 years, so I am speaking from experience. Once you get your meds regulated and in a normal range, you should be able to lose weight just like anyone else. It just takes time to get them adjusted. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Michburrow
    Michburrow Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't had my thyroid removed but have been on meds for 15 years. I remember the feeling of it not being in control and was off the chart which was unusual as I was considered young (24 at the time). I had infertility along with it and my body felt like it was shutting down. Over the years it has gone crazy on occasion having to have radioactive iodine to zap it.
    Once your levels are stable it will get better. Just don't beat yourself up about not being on track or not being motivated to do anything. I am sure just getting up feels like a marathon.
    Hang in there.
  • CrunchyMand
    CrunchyMand Posts: 3 Member
    I am hypothyroid, still trying to get my levels in range, they keep upping my meds every 2 months so I am still not at the right level BUT I am managing to lose weight, very slowly but I am managing. Good luck you will do it it, it just may be slow
  • BethTaylor93
    BethTaylor93 Posts: 22 Member
    I had radiation therapy many years ago to kill my throid (Graves Disease). I too was struggling with weight loss. I finally found a doctor who understood my difficulties and also met with a nutriotionist who was familiar with the difficulties of being hypothyroid. A few changes to my meal plans and what a difference! I have lost 50 pounds and 8 dress sizes over the past year and continuing to lose (slowly, but happily). Message me if you need any helpful tiips that worked for me. Good luck!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I'm hypothyroid. I've dealt with fatigue issues and difficulty losing weight as well. I'm not really sure how that compares to having your thyroid removed, I guess the end result is the same in that you have low to no thyroid production, so you need the same meds? But I went with a product called GTA, which is dessicated pig thyroid. So it's natural, it gets my numbers to the level they need to be, and I don't have the fatigue that I used to. Also, I lost 50 pounds and got back to my prior fit weigh of 10 years ago. Sometimes I have so much energy I don't know what to do with myself. Now, this is probably a combined factor of a lot of things such as a healthy diet, regular vigorous excercise, etc., but it would not have been as easy had I not taken care of my thyroid first.

    I read this book, it helped a lot! http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/
  • Alison263
    Alison263 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to this site and I have an underactive thyroid

    I did lose weight once my meds were stabilised. They were then able to reduce the dose, but lately I have had the aches and pains you mentioned and have gained weight rapidly since quitting smoking in September. Hence the reason I have joined. I had previously lost quite a bit of weight and stabilised at 150lbs, which, having been over 200lbs I was happy with - I am aiming to get back to this weight again.

    You can lose weight with an underactive thyroid - I've lost some since I've started counting calories again. But I could lose weight much more easily before the problem developed. Also, I find that the weight piles back on so fast if you are not really careful. I lost 10lbs in the three weeks before Christmas, had 4 days off and ate what I wanted (but I don't drink alcohol and I wasn't stuffing myself) and gained the entire 10lbs back! It is therefore irritating and makes weight loss more challenging as weight goes on so fast, but it is certainly possible to lose weight.

    I think being active is the key. I don't do the gym but try and do activities I enjoy. I have a dog so alot of walking, badminton, pilates. Also I am trying to always take the 11 flights of stairs to my office and I walk in my lunchbreak. I don't have time to do alot of structured periods of exercise so trying to fit it into the daily routine I think is the key for me.

    Good luck in 2013 to one and all. If anyone wants to give me some motivation, advice, support whilst I try and shift the pounds, would love to hear from you and I will, of course, reciprocate.