T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Fresh Start wk1



  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Ok I can't figure out how to change my ticker to "pounds to go" instead of pounds lost. Anyone know how?
  • I am new to this site and very nervous and scared that i will not be successful in my weight loss journey. I am looking for people with my same issues (starting and stopping) to help motivate me to keep it going and dont beat myself up when I slip.
  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    I stayed the same today. The only time I can get to a scale on Fridays is around 8 AM, when I'm on my break at work, and it read as the same. I'll update my weight on Weds.

    What I've been doing is making sure to log everything - and drinking tons of water
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So the painting is done and now Im just not motivated to cook anything. Hubby says he's in the mood for Salad, which would be great IF we had making for it. So,he decided he is taking me to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. I hate buffets! BUT at least this one is Salad and a bit safer than a normal buffet. :frown: Just gotta pay attention to portion sizes and stay away from that dang chocolate brownie cake in the dessert area... LOL :grumble:

    #1 Newbie tip for eating out: Before you pick up your fork, ask for a to-go box and pack up 1/2 of whats on your plate and bring it home to have for lunch the next day.. that way your not tempted to eat everything you are served.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    li4g...I do that, too, when I go to restaurants. Bonus, because you're watching your portions, but you're also getting two meals for the price of one...and I'm a cheapskate, so it works for me.

    And to all of the new people here, you're more than welcome to join. I've never seen anyone excluded. This is THE group for motivation and support. Sometimes we slip up - and sometimes we REALLY slip up - but everyone is here to give you a friendly kick in the pants, when you need it, applaud all of your efforts, and rejoice with you, in your successes.

    One thing we've all learned is that there is no miracle diet. You won't lose 50 pounds in two months, but if you develop better eating habits and stay active, the weight will come off, slowly but surely. If you only lose 10 pounds in six months, that 's still a HUGE victory. So jump on board. Don't get discouraged if it takes awhile for your body to get with the program. Know that we'll be with you, when you hit them danged plateaus (we can all relate...).

    Any ideas for a goal for next week? What about thinking of creative ways to treat yourself - ways that don't involve food?
    We all deserve those little rewards. What's yours going to be? (Just a suggestion...)
  • Kelly, and others, I, too, have a real problem with nighttime eating. It is a terrible habit and hard to break. Got my carrots in the fridge and purposely did NOT buy WW giant fudge bars today at the store.

    Going online to give/get support, instead of eating. Maybe I'll get addicted to you guys...lol

    Have a great w/e, everyone. Keep that beautiful body moving and make healthy food choices. YOU are worth it!

    Oh yes, being new, I could use some friends....don't want to be the only kid on the block without buddies....lol. Give me a shout out if you are looking for a loyal, trustworthy, dependable, cute, frisky.......ummmmmm, makes me sound like a puppy. Oh well, I'll fetch your slippers and take you for long walks!

    Take care.

  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Hi, I'm Emma and I'm a first year arts student at UBC, Vancouver British Columbia. I started MFP at the beginning of the month and starting looking at some of the support groups but I haven't really been interested until this one! This group sounds absolutely wonderful and I would love to join!
    I've been heavy my whole life, all 19 years and although I've tried to lose weight before (usually with my Mom) I've never really felt successful. I think I also find it hard because it's not really something I can talk about with my friends. I don't have many bigger friends and I've never been very good at expressing my insecurities.
    I'm super excited to start with this group. You all sound like such beautiful people! Thanks for being out there!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am new to this site and very nervous and scared that i will not be successful in my weight loss journey. I am looking for people with my same issues (starting and stopping) to help motivate me to keep it going and dont beat myself up when I slip.

    Don't be nervous, that is what we are all here for. If you have questions or just need to vent, we are here to listen. You can do this, remember why you started this journey in the first place. For yourself. You deserve this. Take it one day at a time and you will do just fine. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I stayed the same today. The only time I can get to a scale on Fridays is around 8 AM, when I'm on my break at work, and it read as the same. I'll update my weight on Weds.

    What I've been doing is making sure to log everything - and drinking tons of water

    Logging and drinking your water are definitely good things to keep doing. I know it can be frustrating to not see the scale move, don't be too discouraged with it. It is just a number. Have you taken your measurements lately? That will also show your progress, maybe even better than the scale. Or even, how do you feel in your clothes are they lose on you now? Just keep those things in mind when the scale does not move. You will get over this little hump. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So the painting is done and now Im just not motivated to cook anything. Hubby says he's in the mood for Salad, which would be great IF we had making for it. So,he decided he is taking me to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. I hate buffets! BUT at least this one is Salad and a bit safer than a normal buffet. :frown: Just gotta pay attention to portion sizes and stay away from that dang chocolate brownie cake in the dessert area... LOL :grumble:

    #1 Newbie tip for eating out: Before you pick up your fork, ask for a to-go box and pack up 1/2 of whats on your plate and bring it home to have for lunch the next day.. that way your not tempted to eat everything you are served.

    So, how was dinner? Did you do good? I am sure you did. Keep up the awesome work.

    That is a great tip to keep in mind. Now if we could only remember to use that tip. LOL I know how hard that is.

    Have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ladyhjinx-Puppies are always welcome. LOL I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Emma-I am glad that you reached out. That is a step in the right direction. Don't hesitate to ask any type of questions, I am sure someone on this forum will have an answer for you or find the answer. I wish you the best of luck with your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow! I am soooo excited that there are so many new people joining us!! This is GREAT!!!!

    Well, Dinner was good. I stuck to salad and had a small cup of french onion soup, 1 SMALL piece of bread and when hubby came back with lemon lava cake... I wasnt even tempted. It didnt even SOUND good and lucky for me.. nothing in the dessert bar remotely sounded good either! :bigsmile: I sat and sipped some coffee instead. My thoughts were "Im satisfied and if I go and eat that... Im gonna be stuffed. That isnt how I want to end this meal.. LOL"

    So we are home and have been for a hour or so and I am STILL full. So Im REALLY, REALLY glad that i bypassed the sugar laden, fat making, lava cake... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We all know how I am with sweet temptations. Usually its torture.. but tonight it was EASY!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well, I got my workout done tonite. Insanity Max Plyometrics. It is a great workout. I did not burn as many calories this time as last time. I know it is just because I was not 100% in it. I am not sure what is going on with me. My motivation has gone by the wayside lately and I am hoping to find it again. I just hope I find it soon.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful and safe weekend. :bigsmile:
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Hey Everyone!!!

    Hope you all are having a terrific Saturday!! I dont wake up til about 1030 on Saturday mornings so I didnt get to have breakfast! Im eating a baked potatoe now..I plan to clean out my mini van and wash it today..Gonna do the elliptical also for about 45 minutes..Am I supposed to alternate strength training and cardio?? Or can it be done together??
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Hi team.

    Good morning. I hope everyone is having a good Saturday. I am in bed writing my care plan... I have a lot of homework and projects due this week. Pray for me for strength. Anyways I walked 20 miles this week 4 miles for four days in the week. I did great. My goal for this coming week is 25 miles... Okay so as to weightloss nothing lost this week. SW:198, CW 198. Have a great day everyone!!!!!
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Hi team.

    Good morning. I hope everyone is having a good Saturday. I am in bed writing my care plan... I have a lot of homework and projects due this week. Pray for me for strength. Anyways I walked 20 miles this week 4 miles for four days in the week. I did great. My goal for this coming week is 25 miles... Okay so as to weightloss nothing lost this week. SW:198, CW 198. Have a great day everyone!!!!!

    Good luck on your up coming week.
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Di'Anna and I am new to this site. It has been almost a week of me journaling. I am hoping this group will keep me motivated. The more the merrier, right? :laugh:

    I am live in Western NY and I am working on loosing the weight I gained after my knee injury. I kind of threw in the towel and let things get WAY out of control for too long. :frown: But I am back. I am 37 yro and realize its now or never.

    My nutrition has been a 180 turn from the past. I am hoping 3 wks will make it a habit again. I have one down and two more to go.
    I was busy this week, so I didn't get to the gym, but I did walk 2 mi a couple of days. The next week coming up I will definately be heading back to the gym. And no more "cheat" weekends for me. That will kill your goal. :laugh:

    I am also on FB for those of you that are.

    Have a great weekned everyone. Good luck everyone and happy Clean eating. 111 :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    G'morning all!!

    I know about the motivation thing kickin yer butt. I hate feeling unmotivated, so I just keep pushing myself to GET MOTIVATED with high hopes that I will get over it.. :laugh:

    Today I am babysitting and Hubby is hanging the new cabinets in my laundry room, so I am kinda stuck here at home until about 5pm, THEN Im heading to the gym for some much needed time on the Elliptical! ( or at least thats the plan!)

    I was bad and didnt eat breakfast right after I got up. For those of you that know me from the past year..you know how much of a struggle it is for me to eat in the morning. If I dont get it in first thing, I'll bypass it all together. So, its 11am and I havent put anything in my mouth except a cup of coffee. Bad girl.. I know.. :grumble: Time to go dig through the kitchen and find something to make. Since I am stuck at home and cant really do anything but look at the mess of a house I have due to remodeling, I am planning out my menu for the next month. I've found that having a plan and sticking to it helps me stay focused.

    Todays biggest focus for me is WATER. I need to drink alot more of it. Ive been getting about 1/2 of what I should be drinking everyday. I have 4 cases of water sitting here that my friend dropped off the other day and I figure if I leave it out it will remind me to drink it.. :bigsmile:

    Have a WONDERFUL day everyone! I will check in again later.
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    G'morning all!!

    I know about the motivation thing kickin yer butt. I hate feeling unmotivated, so I just keep pushing myself to GET MOTIVATED with high hopes that I will get over it.. :laugh:

    Today I am babysitting and Hubby is hanging the new cabinets in my laundry room, so I am kinda stuck here at home until about 5pm, THEN Im heading to the gym for some much needed time on the Elliptical! ( or at least thats the plan!)

    I was bad and didnt eat breakfast right after I got up. For those of you that know me from the past year..you know how much of a struggle it is for me to eat in the morning. If I dont get it in first thing, I'll bypass it all together. So, its 11am and I havent put anything in my mouth except a cup of coffee. Bad girl.. I know.. :grumble: Time to go dig through the kitchen and find something to make. Since I am stuck at home and cant really do anything but look at the mess of a house I have due to remodeling, I am planning out my menu for the next month. I've found that having a plan and sticking to it helps me stay focused.

    Todays biggest focus for me is WATER. I need to drink alot more of it. Ive been getting about 1/2 of what I should be drinking everyday. I have 4 cases of water sitting here that my friend dropped off the other day and I figure if I leave it out it will remind me to drink it.. :bigsmile:

    Have a WONDERFUL day everyone! I will check in again later.

    I can DEFINATELY relate to not eating breakfast..If i eat when I first wake up it makes me feel sick! So I usually dont eat breakfast..Im trying to do better though..My girls have been out of school for the past week and a half getting some work done on their teeth, so we have been sleeping in everyday..BIG NO NO for me cause i dont wanna do anything if I get up late..I am trying to get more active..I am an inside kinda girl!!! lol..But hoping to get a swimming pool up soon so that counts for something right? lol..I love to swim and ride 4-wheelers, but just to sit outside, i dont enjoy it..lol..Have a good saturday!!
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