Dirty Girl 5k and obstacle course

Hi! I was wondering if anyone has done the Dirty Girl 5K and obstacle course? I good friend and myself are planning to do it in February when it is in New Orleans. We are hoping that someone can give us advice on how to train for it and would really appreciate any tips and advice. Thanks


  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I can't until we do it!! ;) I'd like the feedback also. I know the problem I'll have is the upper body strength because I'm seriously lacking in that area. I'll start running outside more also since obviously the treadmill is very different from the actual ground.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    It's probably a lot like the Hell Run I did this past summer. What I learned:

    Don't worry about your time - covered in mud, you might run slower (wet shoes are heavier!) and you might have to wait at an obstacle for other people to finish.

    Do all the obstacles - they're mostly fun and people will help you if you need it but they're also set up to be doable by people who haven't really trained.

    I lack upper body strength but was able to climb a rope wall and two other walls because of the slats in them - the worst part was getting over the top while slippery from mud.

    HAVE FUN! Sure, it's a 5K but it's supposed to be fun! People will be laughing and stumbling and as long as you're in decent cardio condition you'll do just fine. Good luck to you both!
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Thank you so much Ta... :) I'm really excited!!
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    I did one in Oct. 2012. I found it was pretty easy. Run during the first wave so that the obstacles are not filled with mud. It was easier to climb walls when there is not so much mud on them. Make sure you have good shoes with traction on them. Don't buy new ones because they will be trashed. You can donate your shoes at the end of the race, which I did.

    I have pretty good upper body strength (i.e. i can do pull up, chin, ups, etc) for a woman, so the entire thing was pretty easy. (After the run, I did Nike training class.)

    I suggest start developing upper body strength, (chest press, push ups, etc) including your arms (biceps, triceps ).

    If you can not do an obstacle, you can always avoid it. There is no penalty for avoiding it.

    Good luck.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I did it last year..wasnt hard at all. There are a few uppper body stuff obstacles..but nothing major...Try to do a few pullups and push ups..and you should be fine...
  • jen872004
    I ran the one in Scranton PA last year with some girlfriends. Since we were a later heat and the course was packed, most of the teams walked the course and ran where it was paved so it wasn't a TON of running involved. As for the obstacles, we has a lot of climbing (over a wall, up a rope wall, over a hay stack, through tubes, etc.), the only one that needed a lot of upper body strength I thought was the tire swings, where you had to walk across the tire swings from swing to swing. Again, old sneakers (an clothes too) since they will be caked in mud after is a plus. I did donate my sneakers at the end :) There is a showering area but it is hose water so depending on the time of year, it could be freezing water coming out of there. It was a great time and I am sure you will have a blast!!
  • Focusing_on_Liz
    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Yay!! I'm excited...thanks for all the advice! ;)
  • nicki_1004
    There are a bunch of us in our weight loss group on facebook who are doing this. We are super excited. Some of us are doing the Scanton Pa and others are doing the Indianapolis Indiana one. We can't wait! It will be our first year doing it too!