Time for a change

Hey! :smile:

I'm a 19 year old guy and I've decided that I need to make a change, not only in for the way I look, but for my fitness and overall health. I have never been majorly overweight (nor do I even appear to be that unhealthy), but it's evident that my lack of exercise and inconsistent diet is taking its toll on my health. I get out of breath pretty easily, I ache after very minimal exercise and I just feel that I lack energy and motivation most of the time.

Without dieting I often go up and down in weight. One minute I have a huge belly and waist, the next minute I appear pretty slender looking. Not sure what the reason for that is, but I'd really like to keep a consistent and healthy weight in the future. The reason I'm trying to do this is more so about the way I feel, I want to feel energised and happy in comparison to the current tired and depressed feeling.

I really hope this site can help me make the right decisions rather than just starving myself or skipping meals like I've attempted in the past, it really didn't help and just made me feel worse! It's nice to know that others out there are doing the same which is extremely motivational. Can't wait to see some results! :happy:


  • SInder2
    SInder2 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey back at ya!

    Glad to see your thinking about your health while your young! It is so easy to get into bad habits and then go through "heck" trying to break them. I'm looking for some new friends as some of mine have slacked off and are no longer posting. I've been a bit of a flake the past couple of months so needs some fresh friends to help pump me up! Send me a friend invite if you want.
  • LewisSpendlow
    Yeah, it's taken me a while to realise, but I actually feel quite motivated this time! I'm going to start with my diet first, then move onto the fitness side of things, I think both would overwhelm my unfit body too much. I just need to make sure that the meals I have are nutritious and hearty enough, last time I tried dieting I just cut everything out and basically lived on vegetables, nuts and water (bad idea).

    I definitely need some friends for motivation too and people I can talk to if I start to let things go a little. I've sent you a friend request! :)
  • SInder2
    SInder2 Posts: 24 Member
    Glad to see you have a plan of action. It can be overwhelming if you try to take on too much at once ( I tend to do that!). Maybe set a goal for how many weeks you are going to change your eating and then once you have ment that begin to add in some execise. When you start thinking about exercise remember that something small like a short walk will help you get started. Try to think of something you would like to learn how to do or something you did in the past for fun that was also exercise and then maybe your goal can be to work back towards that activity.