Question on hardware helpers (e.g. bodymedia, WIFI scale)

All --- I'm new here and had a few questions for those of you that have "hardware helpers" for your motivation :bigsmile:

Since my wife & I are going to be hopefully starting (or restarting in my case) a better eating lifestyle soon, I'm looking at getting a few helpers to keep the motivation going. Specifically I'm looking at getting a pair of BodyMedia FIT Link devices and using those in conjunction with MFP-- at least for the food part so I gather. Anyway, I've got a few questions that I suspect some of you have answers for -- please pardon my ignorance at this point :

1) When using the MFP site in conjunction with the BodyMedia site, do the two sites work seamlessly together or do you have to jump some hurdles to get them going together?

2) If we get one of the WIFI scales, does it sync to one or the other of the two sites or can it sync to both or does it sync to MFP and then MFP sends it over to BodyMedia?

3) Anyone happen to know if the retail version of the FIT Link device comes with any free BodyMedia website membership (e.g. 3 or 12 months) -- other than the Costco promotion? (hopefully that's OK to ask)

4) What do you think of the Fit Link's 'sleep' analysis feature?

5) Syncing data to the BodyMedia site can only be done via USB cable -- not wirelessly -- correct?

6) For those of you that use the MFP iPhone app (and/or the BodyMedia equiv), is it more or less a case of using the BodyMedia app when you're working out (assuming you want to view realtime data) and then use the MFP app for general adding of food intake and occasional stats or some other combination in your day-to-day activities?

I think that's about all I can think of for now.. I'll probably have more questions later..


  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I'm not sure I can answer them all, but I will try.

    1. MFP and BodyMedia work together great. I put all my food in MFP and BM tracks my calories out. For my calories deficit, I look at BM.
    2. Not sure about the scale.
    3. I bought my BM link at Target and got three months free. I had to contact customer service once when I first got it and they responded promptly and gave me another free month.
    4. I look at the sleep feature, but it wasn't really anything I am too interested in so I pay little attention to it.
    5. If you have an iPhone app it can now be uploaded from your phone to the computer (and then in turn to MFP). It still charges by the USB. I usually upload from my phone once in the afternoon and then hook it to the USB in the evening. However, your MFP info is automatic to your phone app, so you should always know how much of a deficit you are running.
    6. I'm not sure about this question. I suspect it may have already been answered?

    Hope this helps.
  • rick4419
    Thanks! and sorry for replying late.. I did find a few of my questions answered by additional poking around the forums (here and elsewhere).. I'll probably order the devices this week from Costco to get the 12 month free site membership which seems like a good deal. I may also pickup the Withings WIFI scale -- the only thing I'm not sure of is whether it connects directly to MFP or somehow talks to their iPhone app -- I *think* it talks directly to MFP though..
  • BodyMedia
    Hi Rick,

    Looks like you got most of your questions answered. Regarding the question about scales, if you get a Withings scale, you can sync it to your BodyMedia account so that the weight measurements are automatically uploaded and you don’t need to manually enter your weight. If you have any other questions, feel free to call us at 888-850-2639. We would be happy to help you out!

    - Laurie
  • rick4419
    Thanks Laurie.. We did end up getting one and have been using it for the past week or so without issue -- I wasn't quite sure how all of the 'internet plumbing' worked but it's working without issue so I can't complain!

    I'll also throw out a complement for the BodyMedia Link device -- I use it in conjunction with an older iPhone (3GS if it matters to anyone) and after doing a firmware upgrade on the Link device, I'm now able to upload my stats directly to the BodyMedia site via bluetooth+iPhone really easily.. Seems to work like a charm and is easy to see my progress... Thanks!