Looking for some friends!

I, like many others, am starting over today. I'm done having babies, I've gained weight and hit a number that I swore I would never hit again, and I have got to do this. My newsfeed is a little boring though...anyone adding new friends?

To tell a little about me: My name is April. I used to weight about 425 pounds, but I had a gastric bypass surgery in December 2001. Although I never lost enough, the 175 pounds I did lose, made such a positive impact in my life. I gained confidence, got promotions, have done things and accomplished things that I just wouldn't have had it in me to do at my high weight. Best decision I ever made.

Then I had babies. The first two babies, it was relatively easy to get back down to the 260-275 range,where I had come to settle. As a matter of fact, after my second child, I was heavy into WW and working out, and was really really successful, losing weight, but then I got pregnant...then I lost that baby. I couldn't get back on track-I didn't want to. Then I got pregnant again, and had my 3rd child. I breastfeed, so I wasn't trying too hard to lose weight (and I was using breastfeeding as an excuse to eat poorly).

Well-now I'm done breastfeeding (for about a month now), and I've still been eating crappy...and I never lost any baby weight, and I gained some. So I'm sitting at 331 when I swore I would never get past 300 again. I have arthritis in my knee that is getting worse and worse...and I just can't be like this any more.

I'm planning on hitting my goal of 230 lbs. I'll take the support, and I'll give it too. Thanks!
