30 Day Shred - Day 1!!



  • dlenurse
    dlenurse Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! Doing Day 1 this afternoon!
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I h done 30DS before and it was great. I just started Day 1 again today as well! Good luck! It's really hard at first but it works!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    My chiro told me no because the jumping irritates my back. I was on Day 8 when I quit. I ended up getting bored with it anyway. Good luck to all of you!
  • I am starting back today as well. Hopefully I can find some motivation.
  • lea_9130
    lea_9130 Posts: 10 Member
    I started 30 day shred just before christmas and did day 4 of level 1
    but then christmas approached and i didn't do any of it. Just started it again today and just finished day 1 of level 1.
    Taking a break from it and going back is a bad idea !!!
    Hope to see progress from everything and keep each other motivated :)
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I was on day 6 and it was a very great workout, just word of advice for people that are overweight and never did much high impact workouts, im 218 pounds 6 ft tall and by day 6 i had some major knee issues doctor says its more than likely from the jumping jacks and lunches (alot of weight on joints) so pace yourself please and you will get results even if you take each Level longer than 10 days. Good luck and most of all have fun doing it

    Good word of caution, I didn't even think about knees. My issues are in my back, and I had to stop from all the jumping.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    Hoping to start back today or tomorrow, feel free to add me! More motivation is ALWAYS awesome!
  • Abi2012
    Abi2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok, I'm gonna join you! Day one for me too.
  • I was just thinking of pulling it out of the DVD rack this morning... gotta love positive peer pressure....Day 1 tonight ! (I hope)
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I am starting tonight too, i've done it before with great results, hope to have them again!!
  • I'm going onto day 6 tonight. After the first 3 days & helping a friend move, I had to take a day off. My upper body has never been so damn sore! But I got right back to it because It's an amazing work out. Although, I'm a little scared about what levels 2 & 3 will bring because level 1 is still kicking my butt.
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I lost my copy and couldn't find it anywhere to buy, so I got Ripped in 30 instead and I am soo sore after day 1 yesterday. Good luck everyone!
  • I am going to start today.. feel free to add me if you would like
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    I was on day 6 and it was a very great workout, just word of advice for people that are overweight and never did much high impact workouts, im 218 pounds 6 ft tall and by day 6 i had some major knee issues doctor says its more than likely from the jumping jacks and lunches (alot of weight on joints) so pace yourself please and you will get results even if you take each Level longer than 10 days. Good luck and most of all have fun doing it

    Good word of caution, I didn't even think about knees. My issues are in my back, and I had to stop from all the jumping.

    I was 260 or 250 when I started a Gillian cardio DVD and I had problems with all of the impact too. I found other activities to do during the activities on the video that were causing me pain-

    Example: when she was doing mountain climbers or any of the jumping activities, I left the room, ran downstairs and back up- usually she had moved on to the next, less intensive activity right about the same time I was getting back. I would also do punches and other non-impact cardio if I felt strained. Give em a try, hopefully you can find what works best for you-

    Remember- the important thing is not what you're doing, it's THAT you're doing it! If you try to push yourself too hard, too fast, you will fail, whether because of injury sidelining you, or self-doubt and thoughts of "I can't do this." Get creative! Get moving!
  • Days 4, 5 and sometimes 6 are definitely the hardest. Your body is trying to recover from the strain that you've put on it in the previous days, while still trying to keep up with the pressure that you're putting on it by continuing with your workouts. Do what feels good-exercise is not about pain, it's about making you feel good, so if it hurts, don't do it-slow things down a bit and work at your own pace. What you DON'T want to do is take a day off all together-it makes it even harder to get back into it, and the chance of injury increases.
    Good luck and keep pushing-you'll get through it ;)
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    I just did Level 2 day 9! EEK, it gets better fo sho. Just gotta keep up with it. I take weekends off. So I'm doing a 30 business day shred. Haha. okok, 60 day shred, either way, I'm doin it and doin it and hopefully well! HA!

    You guys got this! Just remember with each day you do, the closer you are to being done! That's what I tell myself.
  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    I started yesterday with one of my Pals. I'm going to keep a record of what I'm thinking about it on my blog. I took pictures and measurements so we'll see what happens. I weigh in every day, but that's because I like to see my water holding trends.
  • gr14
    gr14 Posts: 19 Member
    we can do this!!
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I had told myself that I was going to start the 30 Day Shred today. But I'm on Week 5 of #c25k and it's one of the most demanding weeks so I was worried I would bite off more than I could chew... But I need motivation,and definitely the support.

    I'll do the first day right now while I wait for my laundry to finish. Friend me!!!
  • I did day one yesterday with my daughter. On to day 2 tonight