Who Quit Smoking While Losing Weight?

Did you gain any weight back or were you able to stay on track?

What specific tips do you have to prevent the weight from returning while quitting?

I want so much to have the courage to quit again after all my failed attempts but now that I'm well on my way to goal for my weight, I'm afraid to do anything that might derail that...:sad:


  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
  • joydances
    joydances Posts: 1 Member
    I quit smoking back in 2007 when I was also on one of my many weight loss journeys. I'm very happy to say that while I didn't maintain my weight loss--I did maintain my smoking cessation. I noticed that I did have a a jump in my weight for a few weeks right after I quit. Probably because I was eating a bit more than I normally would have. However, I was vigilant at staying on my plan and I didn't give up.

    I used www.whyquit.com and I think it is a great tool to use. I quit cold turkey, used cranberry extract as a supplement (as recommended on the web site) I don't know if it helped or not, but I was successful in my quit.

    I think the key for me is that I was prepared for the withdrawal symptoms that I read about on whyquit. Because I knew what to expect, I had a plan. When we quit something, we need to replace the activity with something else (don't let it be food--especially sugary food) . The hardest parts were those times I would normally have had a cigarette--after a meal, after a meeting, after work, during the car drive home, etc. I had to find something to replace that activitiy. Replacing it with a physical activity--a new ritual if you will--really helped.

    You can totally quit smoking and continue losing weight. And, once you've quit smoking -- Never take another puff!
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I quit in October. My weight loss slowed down but didn't stop. Exercise a lot, drink lots of water and just try to focus on other things. Hobbies that involve the hands are great. Good luck.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks for the responses. My mind is not there yet but I'm hoping very soon.
  • caleb151706
    caleb151706 Posts: 2 Member
    I quit four weeks ago and have continued my weight loss pretty successfully. :) My advice would be to always have water hqndy, lots of gum, and healthy snacks to satisfy the "hand to mouth" drive. I also bring a toothbrush with me everywhere and brush my teeth when the cravings are REALLY bad. Who wants to smoke a cigarette when they've just brushed their teeth?
  • leanngreen
    leanngreen Posts: 13 Member
    I quit almost 5 years ago using chantix, and I really didnt want to quit, lol, I was almost angry I quit so easily after 22 years of smoking! I did not think it would work, but it did! I made sure that I didnt gain, I didnt worry about losing, just not gaining. I did not gain,but I made the effort at the time to quit smoking first and then afterward I started on the weight. Doing both at the same time makes failing easy I think?? Best of luck.
  • I quit smoking the day I started my dietary and excercise changes. I have lost 40+ pounds since then
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I did, I didn't gain any weight and I quit cold turkey.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I lost 30 pounds, maintained that loss for 4 months, then quit smoking cold turkey. Didn't gain a pound. Keep tracking your calories via MFP and most importantly, do not confuse nicotine cravings for hunger. They can be eerily similar.