Has anyone ever been embarrased to go to the gym?



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Please go to the gym! I know you are nervous but you will feel awesome after that first session! My suggestion is to have an employee walk you through that first day! That is what they are being paid for along with teaching or instructing! It is there job to show you what the machine is for and how it is used (liability)! Once you tell that employee that it is your first time in the gym and are nervous "most" go out of their ways to reassure you! I have worked in a wellness center and have NEVER heard rude remarks, maybe a little hogging of the machines and weights but no mean stuff! Right now I am working with three school personal emplyees and I started them on the elliptical because I felt they could walk laps at the school on their off night from the gym! None of them had been on an elliptical and it was tough at first. One started the first night at 11 minutes and then walked on the treadmill and then we went through the muscle groups and they did two sets of 12 per exercise. It was but maybe the 5th time and that same gal was going 30 minutes on the elliptical! I set up the routines and they do that same routine for one month and they have never belonged to a gym and they love coming now! One day the girl that advanced on the elliptical was waiting for someone that "had" been using a machine and I said they are not using now so use it and put the weight back to what they had it on and remember "they" do not own this place, you have every right as they do! Perked her up and made her be more aggressive in the gym! I am soooooo proud to see over weight people in the gym, I will admit I'd rather see them there than at a buffet making their problems worse! As above mentioned not all those people were thin or in shape, they work extremely hard to be that way! It is not easy saying no to foods and there are days when energy levels are down and working out is the last thing wanting to be done but I have been almost 50 pounds heavier than I am now and I push myself everday in some way or another! last year was 305 days of fitness and I am hoping to beat that this year! I want you to go to the gym, you are young and deserve to be a much smaller person and with logging your food, drinking 64 oz. of water and getting in fitness everyday you will be in better health than your friends! You can still eat some of the stuff that they do, just plan it in for your day! I wish you succes!
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    Trust me....they're so ot looking at you. They're more into what they look like working out. I promise you this.

    FWIW IcePrincess is totally right. Nobody there is thinking much about you at all. The older I get the more I realize how little what
    Besides, it just might be that some of the "fittest" people there were once in your shoes. :)

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    My only thoughts when I see someone looking new to working out and a little unsure are:

    "Good for her"


    "I hope she enjoys it here as much as I do"
  • I am. its so discouraging. me waying 300+ pounds running on a treadmill surrounded by all these skinney minnie old people and fitness freaks really makes me uncomfortable...

    If you can run on a treadmill, do it. I am 260 and can't run because it kills my knees so bad and then I'm out of workouts for weeks while I rehab the mess i've made.

    I don't like gyms at all because they charge too much and I think it puts negative pressure on a person. When I would be at the gym and doing weights and cardio on the elliptical, I would feel great...until I would notice a cute guy or a super skinny girl. Then I would immediately feel like a failure in life and I'd go have something deep fried for lunch or dinner.

    I guess most of us here can understand what you are feeling. I would say if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. If you are a runner, go outside. It's free too! :-)

    Best of luck,
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Most of us has been in these shoes. I hate having to pay a fortune to use the machines and have comments made at me. I love taking the aerobic classes because that is the best way I feel that I get into shape is to take a really good class and then work out on the weights after so that I really cool down before going home.

    However, the gym's and classes by me suck!!!. I have been doing the free exercise tv and my dvd's at home so that I do not have to pay that fortune and no one is the wiser on what I am doing in my own home.
  • onelegpat
    onelegpat Posts: 33 Member
    Dude I'm almost 40, I weigh 350 lbs, I have one leg and I am a full time wheel chair user and I have memberships at 2 gyms (YMCA and Cross Fit). I go 5 days a week, and I work out beside the skinny minnies, I swim twice a week all the while I get to roll past kids staring at me with my one leg and big man moobies and stretch marks and I keep going back every week because these people don't mean jack squat to me and I don't mean jack squat to them. I row faster and harder than 90% of people at either gym and I sweat like a pig the whole 40 minutes I'm crushing it, I use the stationary hand cycle for 1/2 an hour and it's parked smack dab in the middle of the elliptical machines so I get to be in between the 20 something 110 lbs hotties (which by the way I don't mind at all). I can't do a lot of the stuff they do at Cross Fit but there is also a ton that I can do, and they adapt what they can for me and they all cheer me on and tell me to keep going.
    My point - get off your *kitten* and get in the gym, the awkwardness is your issue, get over it, the ones who stare and criticize aren't worth a second of your feelings if you are serious about making a change. It's gonna take some crappy times to climb out of the mess your in, but it's worth it, your worth it, so go and keep your head held high, be proud on those machines, strike up a conversation with that hottie beside you, make a joke about your boobs bouncing more than hers, or tell her you've dipped bigger things than her in french onion dip, whatever just have fun and work your butt off. Find a buddy to go with, that always makes it easier too, either way just do it.
  • I would have to agree from experience that most people are happy that you have made the choice to work out!! I just look at them and remember that if i keep going, that will one day be me!!

    Good luck!!
  • Just want you to know I feel the same way. While I understand I should be proud of myself for going, I end up feeling so embarrassed. When I move, my fat jiggles all over the place, etc. I tried to get my husband to join with me, but he wouldn't. I know I have to take responsibility for this myself but I also feel a little sorry for myself that I don't have another big person to work out with. Yesterday I walked at a park 1/2 hour from my house because I don't want to walk in my own neighborhood and have all the skinny Moms see me. We need to get out of our own way I think.

    (Then I read the post from the awesome guy who works out with his other challenges and makes funny jokes and I am inspired! Love the one about dipping things that weigh 'more than you'!)

    Please keep the faith and remember that some of those people that are watching us work out might actually be thinking something nice, rather than mean. I quess it's better to be watched working out than eating ice-cream! Best of everything to you! Kim
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Dude I'm almost 40, I weigh 350 lbs, I have one leg and I am a full time wheel chair user and I have memberships at 2 gyms (YMCA and Cross Fit). I go 5 days a week, and I work out beside the skinny minnies, I swim twice a week all the while I get to roll past kids staring at me with my one leg and big man moobies and stretch marks and I keep going back every week because these people don't mean jack squat to me and I don't mean jack squat to them. I row faster and harder than 90% of people at either gym and I sweat like a pig the whole 40 minutes I'm crushing it, I use the stationary hand cycle for 1/2 an hour and it's parked smack dab in the middle of the elliptical machines so I get to be in between the 20 something 110 lbs hotties (which by the way I don't mind at all). I can't do a lot of the stuff they do at Cross Fit but there is also a ton that I can do, and they adapt what they can for me and they all cheer me on and tell me to keep going.
    My point - get off your *kitten* and get in the gym, the awkwardness is your issue, get over it, the ones who stare and criticize aren't worth a second of your feelings if you are serious about making a change. It's gonna take some crappy times to climb out of the mess your in, but it's worth it, your worth it, so go and keep your head held high, be proud on those machines, strike up a conversation with that hottie beside you, make a joke about your boobs bouncing more than hers, or tell her you've dipped bigger things than her in french onion dip, whatever just have fun and work your butt off. Find a buddy to go with, that always makes it easier too, either way just do it.

    Excellent post! :drinker:
  • You are an inspiration. And I love your sense of humor!
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