I need supporters.

Hello im 22 with 2 kids, trying to lose 60 lb, and i really need supporters. I attend to do good the first week and want to give up after that because its hard having a infant and a preschooler and staying on track. I have absolutely no self esteem and just need positive people to encourage me. thanks


  • dragnich
    dragnich Posts: 2 Member
    I'd be happy to support you although I'm not sure how to get you on my "talking" list or whatever it's called. I'm 46, have 3 daughters and have 71 lbs to lose (and that's not even to high school weight).

    It's definitely hard with an infant and preschooler, can't throw away what they don't eat, right? But I've had excuses for the last 21 years (how old my oldest is) so tell yourself NO EXCUSES.

    In 2011 I went on a "healthy living lifestyle change" and lost 35 lbs, from Aug '11 to now I gained it all back and then some. I honestly thought I was committed and would never go back but here I am. It's so depressing. I'm an all or nothing girl and I really need to cut out carbs forever. I know they say you should be able to have a little this a little that but I have such an addiction to food I can never say just 1 oreo, or 2, or 3..... ugh.

    If you know how to add me to your personal thingy-mabob please do! We can definitely support each other! We CAN do this!