wieght watchers?

has any one had any expereince with the point system .
i am moving soon , and a meeting would help me not "comfort eat"


  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    I have had 2 friends use weight watchers and both have done very well. I was thinking of using it myself. I eat when I am bored. Which is all the time it seems like.
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    I haven't tried it yet, but was thinking about doing so as a means of eating more holistically. The thing with calorie counting is that you can eat 1,300 calories of junk and still be within your target goal (is 1,300 is your goal, that is :smile: ). WW teaches you to eat more in accordance with different factors like grams of fat, carbs, protein, etc. and places more points values on things that are worse for you. It also doesn't count things like fruits and veggies (with the exceptions of like, potatoes, etc.).

    My hesitation and why I haven't joined is that MFP Is FREE! That's my main reason not to, especially as I see that money as something that can be spent on personal training, which I enjoy way more than counting points. Also, what happens once you're done? I guess that's a question I'll have to ask myself with calorie counting, too, though.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,075 Member
    The WW meetings I went to were more than strange. ..in my area it is mostly middle aged women who are 100-250 pounds overweight, who use the meetings to complain. So not my style. Complaining puts me off.

    You could try meetup.com or join some other social club....WW charges you per meeting, too.
  • brokenjawedmuse
    I'm personally not a fan, but that might also have been due to the group I was with, so your mileage may vary.

    I found 90% of the people in the WW group were diet soda, "meal" candy bars kinda people, and that didn't sit terribly well with me.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Thee is a group Weight Watchers 360 on MFP.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I joined WW in September. The group I am with range from college students to a few 80 yr olds. My group is very motivated and sometimes they can get a little off topic ( a bunch work together at a local school) but other than that, I like going and learning new things and tips. I do the monthly pass so I get unlimited meetings and Etools which has articles, etc. I like MFP too, I have found to be able to "log" more foods on MFP because anyone can add foods, whereas the Etools with WW you cannot.

    As for weight loss, I've lost about 5lbs without trying and now I'm familiar with the system I think I will crack down on myself!
  • phatnotfat81

    My hesitation and why I haven't joined is that MFP Is FREE! That's my main reason not to, especially as I see that money as something that can be spent on personal training, which I enjoy way more than counting points. Also, what happens once you're done? I guess that's a question I'll have to ask myself with calorie counting, too, though.

    Same thing I was thinking.....
  • Safati
    Safati Posts: 20 Member
    I have had 2 friends use weight watchers and both have done very well. I was thinking of using it myself. I eat when I am bored. Which is all the time it seems like.
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    We had enough people at work to get a WW group started. A WW person would come in early in the morning and do a weigh-in and hold a class. I went to the introductory session but never joined since I decided I'd rather be in the gym at that time. Later I found MFP and was even happier I didn't join.

    Some of my co-workers have lost a bit of weight, several just signed up and paid and then only went to a couple of classes. Overall, it wasn't a success. I would say you get out of it what you put into it. If you really want to change, then it will work.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I've been doing WW online for the last 11 months, I just recently started attending meetings in December. I think it really depends on the leader what kind of meeting you are going to find.
  • madcat_wechanged
    I tried it and it was okay but I wanted to track my sodium and that is not factored in the "points". I logged there and here, the same foods just to see how it compared and my sodium was over 4,000! I like seeing everything that I am eating... My 2 cents...
  • waytogoraus
    I did Weight Watchers Online when I first started losing weight (lost about 40 pounds with it) & then a friend recommended I switch to MFP once WW stopped working for me. WW was a great way to start, and my experience with the community was great. Only thing is that they allow you free veggies & fruits (with the exception of, like potatoes & peas) and they also give you an extra bundle of "points" to eat throughout the week in addition to the points you eat daily.

    I recommend that you remember that even though fruits & veggies are obviously a lot healthier than candy bars, that their calories can add up overtime if you aren't careful. In the beginning, since I had so much to lose, the extra fruit & vegetable calories plus the extra weekly points did not really have an effect on me, but as soon as I switched to MFP & started counting the calories in my fruits and vegetables and dropped the extra weekly "points"/calories I started losing weight quickly.
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member

    I found 90% of the people in the WW group were diet soda, "meal" candy bars kinda people, and that didn't sit terribly well with me.

    1000% this.
    I found through 2 years of attending meetings & following their plan that it promotes processed/pre-packaged/diet-anything foods.

    When I finally 'got out' of WW, I realized my choices in food were far from healthy. They may have been 'less fattening' but were definitely not nutritional.

    If you choose to participate in Weight Watchers, I definitely recommend keeping an eye on your whole/fresh foods intake. :smile:
  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    my gym has a group that meets weekly. i believe it's very similar to WW, but more healthy, balanced food and exercise focused.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    I lost 180lbs in 13 months last year on WW. If you work the plan, it works, it's a different version of less calories in than out, points work better for some, calories for others.

    My meetings were all women, one other guy for two weeks, but were enjoyable and supportive to go to. The leader makes the biggest difference at the meetings. There is a ecosystem of purchasing in WW but it's totally optional, I do have a few gadgets and a couple of cookbooks I continue to use today but never bought food/snacks.

    I see the only advantage of WW (meetings) over MFP is the face-to-face support versus the online support (of either MFP or WW online). For some it can be beneficial.

    I have quit WW because my needs are now better met by MFP. Improving my running and building strength are now my focus and while WW encourages activity and exercise, it's not the focus. So I have nothing bad to say about WW.
  • itsdonna35
    I've done WW in the past and have been extremely successful. I did online and loved it. I would be doing it right now but one of my resolutions this year is to spend less and save more. This being said , I have decided that I will re-join WW in 3 months if I'm not getting anywhere on my own and with the help of MFP.
  • 55sc
    55sc Posts: 46 Member
    Weight Watchers worked for me and I lost 70 pounds. At the time, I needed the support of the meetings and I decided I was worth the cost, which was cheaper than the medical bills I would have been facing if I didn't take off some weight.

    Some meetings are better than others and online works for some people, and not others. Like any other program, it doesn't work for everyone. Like any other program, you have to be honest with yourself and track honestly.

    Like any other program, old ways=old weight. As long as I tracked and kept to my alloted points, I kept the weight off. I gained when I went back to my old ways.

    I am doing MFP this round because of the cost. It also works, when I track honestly and stick to my calorie allotment.