Weighing in!

I find it hard not to peek throughout the week on the scale! Ive been strictly dieting for three weeks now, and i love to see my progress.(: anybody else?


  • LosingLori
    I'll be the first to admit that I am a "peeker". I "weigh in" on Saturday mornings....but I actually stepped on the scale two other times this week. I usually check mid-week....but this week I checked earlier because I splurged over the Easter weekend and I needed to see the damage and know how much damage control was needed!:happy:

    Yes, I like to see the progress which is one reason to sneak a peek. But probably the bigger reason is because I am in a 'side competition' with my SIL and my FIL's girlfriend for a family trip to Mexico...so I like to check in mid week to get that extra motivation and push that I might need to show some good numbers on Saturday!!!!

    I think It's okay to peek! Just don't do it every day!

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  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes. I can relate. I have committed to an official weigh day. It is Sunday for me. I also report on the Sunday Success forum on that day. If I weigh and report throughout the week, the small fluctuations affect my mood and throw me off track. I am an emotional eater so I just can't go there. I had to have a firm talk with Mr. Scale about dictating my mood. He knows I am in control and I will only meet him once a week! (See my blog)

    Good luck!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • nikkolatwell
    I like to check in often, it helps me stick with it, If I did good it is motivating If I did not so good it kicks my butt back into shape.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I know what everyone says but I check every day. I don't get excited about a weight gain or loss until I see it consistently for three days in a row.

    When I was weighing in only once a week it was too inconsistent for me. My weight fluctuates daily and it can be discouraging if your one day a week shows a three pound gain but really that was because you decided to fix a ham dinner or something crazy.

    By weighing everyday I feel I have more control and I really have control issues! :blushing: Just ask my family! For anyone who understands homeopathy...I am an arsenicum!:laugh:

  • theluckduck
    Tom venuto says that using the scale on a daily basis is not such a bad idea. It keeps you motivated and working hard. It is a good reference point. I agree with him. If I go up, I know I have to watch what I am consuming. You might want to check out his blog, as there are tons of interesting ideas, interesting blogs and helpful tips. check it.

  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    There's a new study that shows that people who weigh daily actually lose more weight and keep it off better than those who weigh weekly! The key is to remember that weight DOES fluctuate. Make one day your "official" weigh in day, and use the other days to see what kind of fluctuation pattern you have. If you have a gain one day, ask if you ate a lot of salty food or are retaining water for other reasons, are you constipated, or did you actually eat an entire pizza by yourself last night. It can be helpful as long as you don't let it get you down.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I weigh myself EVERY morning. But I only post my updates once per week. I feel it keeps me on track. It also keeps me from panicking if I am up a pound if I can see it start to go back down the next day.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    There's a new study that shows that people who weigh daily actually lose more weight and keep it off better than those who weigh weekly! The key is to remember that weight DOES fluctuate. Make one day your "official" weigh in day, and use the other days to see what kind of fluctuation pattern you have. If you have a gain one day, ask if you ate a lot of salty food or are retaining water for other reasons, are you constipated, or did you actually eat an entire pizza by yourself last night. It can be helpful as long as you don't let it get you down.

    I agree with Knittygirl...I like to weigh in almost everyday just to see whats going on in my body. I dont obsess over the #'s, but I like to check my progress. If I went over on sodium the day before, I know it will be a little higher & dont freak out over the gain. If I have been over-eating & the # starts to creep up, I know I need to get it in check. And if I have been eating good & see the # go down, it's motivation to continue. I dont think its a bad thing, as long as you don't let the # on the scale dictate how you are going to feel that day.