when and how often should you weigh in?

i drive my self crazy with weighin in everyday ......i do it in the am every morning same time and usually before i get dressed for the day....any advice i get discouraged when i see a 1 day major diffrence like from 162.2 to 164.0 in one day i dont believe this to be true ...what should i do so i dont go crazy knowing which one to believe or when to do it or when not to or how to!!! any advice greatly appreciated thank you very much for reading this! let me know your experiences....have a great weekend too! :wink:


  • Amanda_Bridges90
    Amanda_Bridges90 Posts: 33 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate a lot. What is best to do is weigh once every week. Same day same time. I weigh in the mornings about 1 hour after I get up and start moving around. If you weigh at different times, your weight will be about 2 lbs higher in the afternoon (after you've ate). But what is usually recommended is weighing once a week.
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    No more than once a week maybe two work for progress not numbers. Good luck :)
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    Once a week is usually the best timeframe for a weigh-in. I am terrible about that though, I weigh everyday, I am a scale-a-holic!!!! It does get frustrating though when you see a gain from one day to the next but for me I just can't seem to get out of the habit of weighing everyday!!:ohwell:
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Once a week is usually the best timeframe for a weigh-in. I am terrible about that though, I weigh everyday, I am a scale-a-holic!!!! It does get frustrating though when you see a gain from one day to the next but for me I just can't seem to get out of the habit of weighing everyday!!:ohwell:

    you're doing great don't hound yourself :)
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    It depends on your personality type I think but for me weighing in once a day (in the morning) is what works for me. It encourages me if I see a loss and if it stays the same or goes higher it encourages me to be better that day. Any time I have tried weighing weekly I always end up with a gain.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh in every single morning at around the same time every morning.

    I know some people find that obsessive, and for some people, it may be damaging. However, there was recent research done that showed that people who weigh in every day tend to lose a few more lbs, on average, each year, than those who don't.

    For me, weighing in daily keeps me on target. I am able to shrug off the 1-2 lb change that occurs every day - up or down - based on water weight fluctuations, a big meal the night before, etc. If you can't shrug off a 1 or 2 lb increase, then definitely don't weigh in daily or you'll depress yourself! While I weigh in daily, I look at the trend on the scale... if it's going down over a week or so, no problem.

    Good luck figuring out what works for you.
  • bleedingdreamer
    I do it once a week.
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    I weigh every morning before I get in the shower and it's something that I have to stop. I've noticed that my weight fluctuates a lot with water. If I strength train the day prior I'll wake up feeling lean and toned and happy that I'm doing a good job but then I get on the scale and I'm up 2 lbs because of water retention as a direct result of the strength training (not a bad thing). Even though I know it's not a big deal it really bums me out. I'm going to start weekly weigh ins on Friday mornings and no more than that.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I weigh in every morning first thing. If I'm up that day, I shrug it off and consider it temporary. I try to drink a lot more water that day. Weighing in each morning motivates me and is my favorite part of the morning.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I weigh in everday. just like learning to listen to your body about hunger and thirst I veiw my daily fluctuations as a tool. I can see what certain meals, times of the month and exercise do to my body. I too shrug off the little gains and get motivated by them and I celebrate the little losses and am pleased by them. I look for the overall trend. But if you take it as a definate everyday and can't understand how or why you fluctuate it will drive you crazy. I can't do the once a week because I get too bummed out if I don't see any progress from the week before.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I do it every morning after I use the bathroom and before I drink anything. I also know that my weight will fluctuate a pound or two but daily weighing tells me if I've had too much sodium not enough water and that sort of thing. I usually only record it about once a week though.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I weigh once a week but every couple days to see where I'm at, progress wise. :happy:
  • natalia221
    I think it depends on the person. I was weighing myself everyday and when I would fluctuate a pund I realized how discouraged I would get and mentally it was not good for me. I also became pretty obsessed.

    Now I weigh myself once a week sometimes once every two weeks. Right now I am more focused on measurements and the way I feel!