Me before i met my boyfriend and after.

mshopey Posts: 125 Member
I have put on nearly 6 stone since meeting my boyfriend.
I am horrified.
Anyone else in the same boat?
I feel gutted that i let it get this bad before i did something about it.
I need some mega support as i cant afford to go to any slimming clubs.
I'm messaging people and getting no replies.
Anyone serious about being a diet buddy?


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Yep. I sure am!
  • tamsin_brown
    tamsin_brown Posts: 20 Member
    I am. My problem is exactly the same
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    :) I'll help if I can!
    I find that I eat A LOT more when my bf's around. :(
    He's a heavy eater but he's tall! & if I eat as much as he does, well...
    So I'm trying to lose more weight, too!
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    I am not sure what 6 stones is...however.

    When I met my husband I started putting weight on and gained over 70lbs. I was 125-130 when we met....I got up to 210+ pounds.

    you don't need any fancy clubs.

    you can do it! feel free to add me if you would like :) im on here a lot.
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member
    I racked up about 3 stone with my ex husband when I was already overweight and pretty unhealthy, fair few pounds left to go!

    Will add you.

    Us Brits work in stones and pounds - 14 pounds in a stone, my target is 11 stone which is about 154 pounds I think.
  • alicat084
    It's never too late to start. Start thinking about what you will do and not about what you've done. That's the hardest one for me...staying positive. I have 87 lbs to lose so I feel your pain! I'll be your diet buddy =)

  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    When I started dating my husband I gained weight really fast (we ate out a lot and I also started working at McDonalds lol).
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    my bf made me fat as well (just kidding...but yeah) hehee he has his oven food !
  • Trallaurrum
    Trallaurrum Posts: 25 Member
    I started maintaining a food diary before I met my bf, and I think that's probably the only thing that's allowed me to hold steady over the last year! Feel free to add me!
  • karenhaston
    karenhaston Posts: 7 Member
    When my husband and myself got togeher we both put on weight, mine was 2 stones over my normal weight! They say your in that comfort zone, I agree, it's hard to get out of it but my fitness pal sure will help you - it did me x
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I weighed 150 pounds when I first met my boyfriend (I was around 14). I'm now 21 and was 245 pounds at my highest weight, which mostly added on VERY quickly within the past three years of us living together.

    It seems to be a very common trend for most couples since food is something that everybody has in common. Going to the movies together (eating junk there), going out to dinner together, cooking together, etc. Our relationship involved a lot of eating for a while, and as somebody who never had to watch my weight previously I barely noticed the change until I hit such a high weight.

    I'm currently 187 pounds and getting back down to where I was. I'm definitely not very motivational and I rarely find time to comment on anybody's progress that they post, but I always respond to messages and am here to talk/give advice if you wish. :flowerforyou:
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    When I married my hubby, I was bigger than what I am now. He's LITTERALLY seen me thin (in hs), THICK, thin, THICKER, thin, THICKIST, now on the way to thinner for good. Be glad to have another friend for support. WARNING: I'm a bit of a nag lol

    Wanted to add that my husband and I started dating when we were 17, married at 25, and both now are 35yrs
  • seriouslypinkchick
    seriouslypinkchick Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me and over the yrs I gained so much weight it's shocking I have been on my new lifestyle change since May 2012 n lost 6 & 1/2 stone n done it all myself no slimming world or weight watchers done so many different diets in the past and failed after losing 2/3 stone then putting it back on and more :( this time I have never been so focused :) I still 4 & 1/2 to go but with the support from everyone from this site really keeps you focused we all have bad days but hey just get bk on it next day, wish you all the best on your journey hun x :)
  • kway610
    kway610 Posts: 162
    I also gained a bit of weight after I got married. I am almost back down to where I was when we met. Sending a request, I would be an awsome diet buddy! :happy:
  • shell1725
    I have gained 48 lbs since I met my husband and I was already 55 lbs overweight before then. I am determined to lose that 103 lbs and have set a goal date of 4/4/14 to be there. If I reach my goal prior to that date, I'll be ecstatic! I feel different this time about my journey to lose weight. I have more determination and hope MFP will be the catalyst to keep me motivated. I love reading the "thinspirational" posts!!
  • dthompson88
    I've been with my husband for 5 years, and have gained about 60lbs!!! Eek! Can't keep up with him and not gain! Lol
  • MichelleLovesMJ
    MichelleLovesMJ Posts: 10 Member
    I've put on 3 stone between now and when I was 18! (I'm now 26!)
    My bf can eat loads and never puts weight on!
  • marisol89
    hey just saw your post...hi my name is marisol... i'vebeena big girl all my life but i'm kind of in the same boat as you.. sense i've been with my boyfreind i've gain some more weight..i'll be happy to be your diet buddy if you'de life... to encourage eachother
  • Celaena
    14 lbs = 1 stone, according to Wikipedia
  • marisol89
    geez these boyfreinds