22 year old newbie!

Hey everyone. I just joined today because, actually my Lit teacher told me about this site! She has lost 85 pounds using myfitnesspal.com and I hope to have the same results! I'd appreciate any help or tips from anyone who has had success with this website. I've tried Weight Watchers, personal trainers, and it's just so hard to get motivated.


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello Knightl, MFP is the site to get trusted information where products are not thrown at you from different weight loss systems just natural simple everyday items that work in the long run even if that company goes out of business or worse is discovered to be harmful.:smile:

  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey!~!... I found that this website is really helpful becasue it makes me think more before I eat anything... AND I want to exercise more cuz I get excited to log it in!... SOOO, I hope you keep logging in and enjoy this website.... ITS REALLY FUN!~!
  • heycarlz
    heycarlz Posts: 15
    MFP.com is awesome, go with it and get the most out of it, im sure you will like it!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hey everyone. I just joined today because, actually my Lit teacher told me about this site! She has lost 85 pounds using myfitnesspal.com and I hope to have the same results! I'd appreciate any help or tips from anyone who has had success with this website. I've tried Weight Watchers, personal trainers, and it's just so hard to get motivated.

    Hi, and welcome to THE best site on the web! :flowerforyou:
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also under "Community", then "Weight Loss and Healthy Living", then "general diet and weight loss help", and then check out the first few threads. They'll REALLY help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Before coming here, I had tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, and nothing really worked until MFP! :love:
    Just the word "diet" would make me cringe and set me up for failure. :grumble: It meant depriving myself of all the "good stuff" out there, and as a result, I'd only last just so long, (maybe a few weeks if I was lucky!) and then I'd "cave" and go right back to eating all those "goodies" again! :embarrassed: :cry: But, MFP ISN'T a "diet". :noway: It's a "lifestyle change". :smile: (When I first read that, I said "Ya, SURE it is!", thinking that it WAS just another diet. :grumble: But, it wasn't! :noway:)
    The main reason that I've managed to lose the weight that I wanted to is because I HAVE been able to eat "real/good" foods. :bigsmile: (Not Slim Fast or any other easy, quick, fad "wacko" diets!:noway: ) Through MFP I learned that I just needed to "work for it", through exercise, and watching my numbers (MOST of the time! :wink: ) As long as I do that, I CAN occasionally have stuff like Chinese food, a double cheeseburger, pizza, and even homemade ice-cream! :love:
    As far as exercise goes, it doesn't always have to be awful. :noway: For my exercise, I walk almost every day, (weather permitting!:wink: ) I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria") :love: :happy:
    It's free, (unlike a gym!:grumble: ) fun, :smile: and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored! :happy:
    I also have Wii Fit, and jog to that, which is a lot of fun, and easy too! :smile:
    So, to make a LONG story short, make good food choices, eat in moderation, get some exercise, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:
    MFP REALLY, REALLY, DOES work! :love: :happy: Give it a chance, and it WILL work for you too! :smile:
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi welcome! I'm a 25 yr old newbie. Just joined yesterday, be encouraged!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Stick to your calorie goals. Log your food faithfully. Drink your water. Exercise at least 3 times a week. This site has been so good for so many people but it can't work for you unless you do your part. Good luck to you!
  • evolve1587
    evolve1587 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm a 22 year old newbie too!
    If you want a buddy to bounce ideas and thoughts to I'd be more than happy to chat!
    I hope you're doing well on this website, I think it's really well organized!
    Here's to weight falling off! :)
    - evolve1587
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome! MFP is the best! I've really enjoyed using it as it's made me more mindful about eating healthy foods, exercising, and keeping my water intake up. You can do it!
  • MadHatR5
    MadHatR5 Posts: 33 Member
    I like to read the recent posts everyday. It reminds me that I am not the only one trying to lose weight.
  • RhondaCrombie
    Wow! That lit prof must be REALLLLY cool! ;-P Welcome to the site, dear.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Welcome! I'm 23 and just finished college, so I can definitely relate to trying to lose weight while balancing a billion college credits. It's possible tho! I lost 15 pounds last semester, it helped that I lived at the bottom of a huge hill from where my classes were held... hehe. If you need any advice or encouragement, let me know!
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome! You will love it here. Everyone is so helpful and sweet.
  • KESaylor
    KESaylor Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Knightl:
    I am an English major, so I am taking Lit classes, too. I am exactly twice your age and am about to graduate with a B.A. in English. My goal is to lose 42 pounds. I would love to encourage you and have you encourage me.
  • knightl
    knightl Posts: 14
    Oh yeah the British Lit teacher is awesome! ;) And I'd appreciate all your help :) Send me a friend request and we'll definitely keep in touch!