Alcohol and Weight Loss

Hey guys...

I'm a fairly moderate drinker. 99% of the time I'm content with an unsweetened iced tea but every week or two I'll have a few drinks (Margarita, beer, or wine). Will this cause an issue for weight loss? Should I cut out drinking altogether, or is it ok as long as I stay under my calorie limit?


  • NikiDeaf
    NikiDeaf Posts: 28 Member
    I used to drink every week. I found that losing weight was easier when I made my drinking even more rare. It helped for me; I don't know, it might help for you. Or it might depend on the kind of drinks you make. I was (still am) partial to the really sweet, high-cal type of drink. If you make a vodka and tonic, it's not so bad (I've heard its about 70 calories but don't hold me to that.)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey guys...

    I'm a fairly moderate drinker. 99% of the time I'm content with an unsweetened iced tea but every week or two I'll have a few drinks (Margarita, beer, or wine). Will this cause an issue for weight loss? Should I cut out drinking altogether, or is it ok as long as I stay under my calorie limit?

    Track your calories & moderation
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    It doesn't sound like you drink enough to really make that much of a difference. It does help to stop, in my case drinking leads to Red Robin cheeseburgers and refillable fries. Double whammy of alcohol/empty calories and then bad food choices that follow the buzz.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I tend to find that I'm usually bloated after a night of drinking, but I still do it! It hasn't really interrupted my success or caused me to add on any more weight (I'm more conscious during the week/days after). I'll agree with the other poster who said that weight loss was definitely easier without drinking, but I wouldn't say that it's impossible!
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    You can drink, just watch the calories. Some mixed drinks like margaritas can have over 500 calories! That's a lot of elliptical time for one drink...
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Hey guys...

    I'm a fairly moderate drinker. 99% of the time I'm content with an unsweetened iced tea but every week or two I'll have a few drinks (Margarita, beer, or wine). Will this cause an issue for weight loss? Should I cut out drinking altogether, or is it ok as long as I stay under my calorie limit?

    Track your calories & moderation

    THIS! I drink 2 bottles of red wine a week and I lost weight and got fit. Stick to your calorie goals, work out= success. If you don't really like alcohol, nothing wrong with giving it up, but I live in the wine capitol of the USofA and I refuse to give up a good Vino.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member

    Thanks for posting the To Do List. Might start from the bottom, looks way more tasty. Might have to skip a few, not a big fan of Kalua or Red Bull.

    To those wondering about weight loss and alcohol consumption, it's like everything else. It's ok for some not for others.
    You can have your six pack and drink it too. It's definitely more work, but it can happen.
  • Missallison7691
    I do tend to go for the sweeter drinks unfortunately. Any other suggestions besides vodka tonic? Maybe something a bit sweeter?
  • heidikmorris
    heidikmorris Posts: 2 Member
    Drinking alcohol does pose a problem for you while you are trying to lose weight - especially sugary drinks of drinks with high calorie mixers - marg mix.

    Besides being empty calories, it can create your judgement to be impaired - thus causing you to eat things that you would not eat if you were alcohol free. If you want to enjoy a drink, one of the tricks I learned while being on slimgenics is to have clear based alcohols - vodka and rum - with club soda (not tonic). add a slice of lemon or lime. Still need to keep the drinking to 1-2 max and only 1x per week - max. You also will need to kick up the exercise to burn this off. :)
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    As long as you're under your calorie limit there is nothing you can do that will make you gain weight assuming your calorie limit is the correct amount

    Edit: although after a bit too much I do tend to eat something and forget about it...
  • soopaang
    soopaang Posts: 27 Member
    I have a couple of diet Vodka drinks when I'm in the mood for something sweet but want to avoid sugar:

    For the adult side of you: Make a simple syrup out of equal parts non-calorie sweetener and water. Cook it to a boil before you use it and keep any extra in the fridge. You can squeeze some fresh berries or other fruit to infuse your vodka. For a fizz you can add some tonic water or club soda.

    For the college side of you: Just use diet sprite and Vodka or those Crystal light flavorings (my fave is grape) and Vodka.
  • BrofessorPHD
    BrofessorPHD Posts: 42 Member
    Nope you are fine! enjoy a couple drinks!

    just stick to basic drinks as others have said...
  • kvanduzy
    Try Skinny Girl margarita or their other line of drinks. There are also lots of recipes online for "skinny" low-cal versions of margaritas and other sweeter drinks. But as many said, you can drink so long as in moderation and track those calories just like food.
  • amyJoxo
    I tend to be an overdrinker- which means the next morning my body craves carbs! When I'm drinking alcohol, my appetite is totally suppressed. When I'm going through a period of anxiety, it actually helps me to lose weight if I drink since I get up and still remain not hungry (drinking your dinner, etc). However, I'm on meds for anxiety and I wake up the next day craving carbs like none other! So, I gotta really cut back the drinking until my wedding :(
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I drink a glass of wine with dinner 4-5 nights a week. I've also had a beer or two every now and then, and a margarita (though that's rare, I've had maybe 3 margaritas in the past year). Anyway alcohol hasn't hurt my weight loss any.
  • carmelvalleyite
    When I'm trying to lose weight, I skip the alcohol altogether and drink a diet Coke with a slice of lemon. If you feel you really
    would like an alcoholic drink, try a glass of wine and glass of water. Take a sip from wine, the next sip from water, and
    alternate like that. You'll drink half the amount you usually drink. Let's face it, any empty calories that you can cut out will
    help you lose. Good luck reaching your goal!
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    It's a choice you make at the time.I find it hard to lose weight and drink.
    I find it lowers my resolve.Alcohol is also empty calories. I'd rather eat my calories!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Stay within your limit as best you can and maintain moderation in all things.