Emotional Eating - how do you deal??

Hey guys, I was just curious, do any of you struggle with emotional eating ? And if so, how do you deal with it? How do you deal with the "in-the-moment - I want to eat" sort of state of mind? I am just having difficulty these days, I love to exercise, I love to be outside, and I used to be super like "I want to eat healthy!" but now, I'm just like, a bit bored, because I am home from school for the holidays, and I am really struggling with that, I just want to eat! sort of feeling. Can anyone relate..? I just find that, I try to stay within my calories, but I just mainly eat for boredum, any ideas or suggestions on what you guys do in those moments?? thanks so much! Happy New Year!


  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I've had these same emotions. What has worked for me is to switch up my routine. Or to set a new goal. If I add in a new exercise or at a different time of day, my emotional eating slows way down or stops. It's not immediate, but within a week or so, I'm MUCH better. I've switched up the macros I track as that will change the foods I eat or concentrate on. That also seems to help. I've set new healthy lifestyle goals and that can also help. Sometimes it's a fitness goal, sometimes it's a cooking goal, or a new food to try goal. All of these can help. None of these are very easy, emotional eating is a tough thing. Good luck!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    This lifestyle journey is going to be about creating new habits. You MUST get rid of the food that you are tempted by. At a minimum, tell those who eat it (even though they probably should not??) to hide it. Then, make up a "comfort menu" something you will refer to when the urge to snack hits you. Put it in writing and keep it handy. On this "menu" you will include new habits that you can perform instead of snacking. For example: brush your teeth call a friend take a walk clean a room clean a bathroom go to bed chew gum etc, etc, etc, The more you make the right choice, the easier it gets :)
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I tend to have a problem with this when I'm angry. Not so much a big binge, but non-stop snacking for the evening to get my mind off of whatever it was that made me angry. Thankfully, I've learned not to let things get to me as easily, so I don't have those feelings as often. But every once in awhile it still happens. I just try to be aware that it's happening and at least try to keep the snacks healthy, if there's not another activity to do instead. I'm a big fan of video game therapy...... :)
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    sleep, run, walk, play with a dog, etc
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    *Every time I used to get upset i'd eat peanut butter from the jar. I couldn't help myself. My fix in times of need so to speak. I finally started replacing the extra fats and calories by telling myself I wasn't really hungry and if I was what would I really want to waste those carbs and calories on. Its a working progress but i'll tell you just take one day at a time. :) good luck and happy new year!
  • I'm definately an emotional eater. I have been having trouble since just after Christmas. Got some bad news that deep down has me feeling real down. Ate the house down tonight. Snacks--too many of them around the house. I have to keep the things I binge on out of the house. I also need to get active in more things so I am busy and don't feel the need to munch. Right now I'm setting up a new sewing area in our basement. I have plenty of work to do but am not really hurrying to get things done. What is wrong with me--I have the tools, even have some motivation but am still messing up. I need to follow my own advice and get busy!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Drink a glass of water...sometimes that works...another thing I do is chew gum. Maybe try to have some "safe" foods available, like crunchy food like carrots or celery that would satisfy the urge to eat. Distract yourself however you can & then if you just can't stand it...have a little bit and forgive yourself..
  • You are definitely not alone when it comes to emotional eating. It's a constant battle between what we know we should do and what we actually do. We know we should drink water to see if the craving passes or go for a walk that doesn't change the emotions. I went through an 8 month program and lost 28 lbs. The program ended in October and since then I gained 10 lbs back. I can make a million excuses but the holidays were a weakness for me; I enjoyed everything I ate and knew when I got on the scale I had gained so now I need to buckle down and lose the 10 lbs and the additional 15 which is my ultimate goal. It won't be easy, if it was everyone would be healthy and fit. Take it one day at a time and keep up your daily entries. Eventually, when you are ready you will jump back on track and move forward. Don't beat yourself up too bad b/c that heightens the emotions which is something you don't need. Hang in there. You're human and have a healthy appetite. It could be much worse. Happy New Year. Good luck. :smile:
  • I have a huge problem with emotional binging. Have you tried chewing gum? There was an article published a few months ago on NBC news that stated that chewing gum might actually trick the brain into thinking your eating food. Aldo if you do decided to have that snack you should try drinking a cup of water or skim milk before so that your stomach fills up faster. I also have found that brushing your teeth with a minty toothpaste can help chase away cravings. I hope one of these suggestions help!! :happy:
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I have a hard time resisting something terrible if I've had a rough day. I think, "Today sucked, I deserve a Big Mac." No, I don't. But even though I usually do well and resist, I have my weak moments.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Brush your teeth, drink some hot tea, chew gum. Also, doing something with your hands can really help, like gardening, knitting, washing dishes... basically anything that keeps your hands too busy to eat anything. Watching TV or reading will not do it for me - too easy to eat mindlessly.
  • GirlyGirl28a
    GirlyGirl28a Posts: 78 Member
    awesome suggestions guys, this is great, thx so much, and congrats on all the amts of weight lost! that so awesome :)
  • GirlyGirl28a
    GirlyGirl28a Posts: 78 Member
    *Every time I used to get upset i'd eat peanut butter from the jar. I couldn't help myself. My fix in times of need so to speak. I finally started replacing the extra fats and calories by telling myself I wasn't really hungry and if I was what would I really want to waste those carbs and calories on. Its a working progress but i'll tell you just take one day at a time. :) good luck and happy new year!

    I do that too!! haha it is really bad. I have gotten the point that I have to stop buying peanut butter lol, because I everytime I was upset and stuff, I would go and get a spoonful! and when I log it on my mfp, its really eye-opening to me, because of the amt of fat in peanut butter. But ya, I will try that too ! haha, thats great that what you did worked for you. thx for the reply!!
  • GirlyGirl28a
    GirlyGirl28a Posts: 78 Member
    You are definitely not alone when it comes to emotional eating. It's a constant battle between what we know we should do and what we actually do. We know we should drink water to see if the craving passes or go for a walk that doesn't change the emotions. I went through an 8 month program and lost 28 lbs. The program ended in October and since then I gained 10 lbs back. I can make a million excuses but the holidays were a weakness for me; I enjoyed everything I ate and knew when I got on the scale I had gained so now I need to buckle down and lose the 10 lbs and the additional 15 which is my ultimate goal. It won't be easy, if it was everyone would be healthy and fit. Take it one day at a time and keep up your daily entries. Eventually, when you are ready you will jump back on track and move forward. Don't beat yourself up too bad b/c that heightens the emotions which is something you don't need. Hang in there. You're human and have a healthy appetite. It could be much worse. Happy New Year. Good luck. :smile:

    thx so much for the encouragement and advice!!
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    I used to be this way until I realized that I was just making myself more miserable when I drowned my feelings with food. I realized food can both be your friend and enemy so I decided to befriend it and only eat when I was hungry. Sometimes I still get the urge to emotionally eat, or eat out of boredom, and I just try to think about all the hard work I have done, and how I do not want to revert to the person I used to be. I still have my days but I make sure they are rare. I keep myself busy and plan out each meal and snack so I really don't give myself enough time to eat for fun, or even be hungry for that matter. Good Luck!!
  • I journal when I feel emotional. I am also into blogging. It helps me to get it out on paper I learn to understand what I feel and why, I always go back and read what I wrote a week ago when I was upset....it gives me insight and I also see how different I feel. I also learn some of my triggers...and patterns of behavior. I also sometimes eat something like a carrot that is crunchy and takes some effert to eat. Just remember it may not be what your eating but what's eating you.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I used to do this alot, and still do occasionally its a hard habit to break! BUT when I get in that state of mind (normally when I am bored or sad) I keep telling myself I am not hungry and I will have a glass or two of water until I get it throught to my emotional brain that I AM NOT EATING!

    Good Luck to you! :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Have healthy snacks around that you can eat.
    Workout more, then you can eat more if you want to.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I still have my weak moments, but used to be HORRIBLE with this, and it always lead to binging. I totally feel you on the holidays, being home, and break from school. What helps me is to brush my teeth, drink lots of water, and keep my hands busy! Get a puzzle, take a shower, go for a walk, rent a movie, call a friend, do Sudoku, read a book, and STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN! I also remind myself "If I'm not hungry enough to eat an apple, I'm not hungry." And, I tell myself I will regret it, and remind myself of how bad I feel each time I do it. It's all in the mind, which can be the hardest part!