Hard to find support sometimes

I really messed up this month and must have gained 3-4 pounds. I know 2013 is the ultimate time for all of us to get back in the game. It's hard of course. I think for me I'm just too lazy to keep up with the food I eat. i work out, but sadly not these past 2 weeks, I literally had no time due to a project that took me all that time to finish.
I have more time now, but my fat belly and tight clothes are discouraging.

What is everyone doing to get back into eating healthy and back into shape?

I want to lose 20-25 pounds.


  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    I think we all go through this phase at one tine or another.

    I think you should just let it go and start afresh and motivate yourself, whats done is done. Just move on and start your healthy routine again. I do the same.
  • AnelDB
    AnelDB Posts: 24 Member
    This is a tough month. I just don't beat myself up. I keep track, even if I've eaten terribly, only because it reminds me that I made a commitment and I'm worth it! You are too! Just get back to it, and do the best you can. Some days are super and others are a struggle. I figure that I'm doing this for the long run, so I'm not looking for a quick fix. If it takes longer to lose the weight, it's OK. It took a while for it to accumulate too! It's motivating to lose those first few pounds. I didn't get motivated to exercise until I could feel a slight change in how my clothes fit. That finally made me believe that I could do this. Good luck, and keep going!
  • mythchild
    mythchild Posts: 9 Member
    I appreciate the responses. Actually, there's emotion involved now because of stress in the family due to my very sick grandmother. I'm not pigging out, but I'm not eating healthy at the moment either and my belly looks and feels grotesque.
    Also, someone tried to message me about where I am (forgive me I don't remember who and may have accidentally deleted it) and about getting more support for healthy eating and fitness. I'm in North Texas around the Dallas area.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I could have made the exact same post as you did.... except that I didn't have a project taking my time.. We all have periods where we don't eat like we should, don't exercise like we should, we let stress derail us.....ect, ect..... life gets in the way and we gain back some of the weight we've lost. It happens because we are human.

    The good news is, you are aware of it. Just start over tomorrow, take it one day at a time and remember that you are trying to create a new life style, not DIET. So there is going to be a learning curve and there's going to be times when you over eat.

    I gained almost 4lbs between Thanksgiving and New Year. I didn't track my food, didn't exercise and ate with wild abandon. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow morning......
  • Justamanatee
    Justamanatee Posts: 9 Member
    I was told once (paraphrasing now, because I can't remember the direct quote) that it's important to not give up when you fall off the wagon. Too many people have a bad day or a bad week and get fed up and walk away. What's important is shaking it off your shoulders and just getting right back on that next day.

    3-4 pounds, especially being aware of it and knowing that you'll get back down, isn't bad. Once you have a chance to de-stress and eat better and work out, you'll be back at where you were before the holidays in no time. From there, just gotta keep on walking tall. :)

    Good luck!