20lbs by March



  • itstimetoeat
    itstimetoeat Posts: 63 Member
    It's so hard!
  • itstimetoeat
    itstimetoeat Posts: 63 Member
    That sounds doable. Just make sure you eat right and work out.

    I may make this my own goal since my birthday is in March. I have never in my wieghtloss attempts pasted 17 pounds lost.

    Feel free to add me.

    Pasted 17 lbs? I use to never ever lose weight in my entire life but when I found out that it was possible, I believed it. Only thing is now I am PLATEAU'D. =\
  • mrsljacob
    mrsljacob Posts: 57 Member
    They say the healthy amount of weight to lose a week is 2lbs. You can definitely do this by the first or second week of March.

    I agree with one of the other posts, you need to start by logging all of your meals and workouts. If you only go to the gym twice a week, then you need to add at least another day. If you don't feel like going to the gym, go for a walk, do some jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, etc. Apple and Androids have these total body workout apps for free. Just get a pair of hand weights and follow the workouts. You can set it for a 10 minute arm work out, legs, abs, butt, etc. They are easy to do. Weights will help you tone.

    Also, make sure you are eating every few hours. Eat breakfast, then 2.5-3 hours later eat a snack, 1.5-2hrs later eat lunch, 2.5-3 hours later eat a snack, 1.5-2hours later eat dinner. When I was doing My Fit Foods, that was the schedule we used to with eating.

    You can do it! Just keep track of everything! :) I bought a little pedometer at Wal-mart to track my activity for a few days. Then I tried to do things to up my activity level. Also, take your measurements. My scale didn't budge for two weeks! But I lost an inch in my waist, two in my hips, etc.

    You can do this! I'm with you! I'm going hiking over spring break and I'd love to be 20lbs lighter. I'm currently doing Turbo Fire, and I'm going to throw in those workouts using those apps.

    Another great workout dvd you can do is Jillian's 30 day shred! She uses big movements to use more muscles.

    You can add me if you want! I'm on MFP everyday and love being supportive of all of my friends :)
  • carolinagirl0990
    carolinagirl0990 Posts: 7 Member
    My last college spring break is in March, and I would LOVE to be at least 20 pounds down by then. I've gained almost 10 in the month of December and it shows horribly!
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    I need to do this too! I have been a slacker the past month and I need to get back to business. I do better with mini goals, so maybe by feb 9th it should be -10 from now.

    Agree: log food, exercise and more exercise.

  • kaykayvoodoodoll
    kaykayvoodoodoll Posts: 19 Member
    I am all in turning flirty 30 march 26!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    So, I'd like to do this too, but I will respond to the original OP as far as some advice. Take it or leave it, I normally don't do "advice" but I will tell you what has been working for me.

    It's a long, tedious, boring procress (as most weight loss is!).

    *Log everything and see where you are going over, calorie wise. Eating a little heavy on dinner? Try adding more fiber to fill you up with less.

    *Kick up your workout. Going to the gym is great twice a week, but maybe add in a long walk once or twice a week. Or a run. Or add a gym day. Whatever.

    *To add to this, incorporate weight lifting. I don't mean go bench press 200 pounds (unless you can) but research some things you can do. You would be AMAZED at how this helps. My weight lifting routine includes a low pulley row, bench pressing, hamstring curl, and leg presses (to name a few) The myth is that you need to do many reps at a low weight... you're wasting your time if you do this. Do a heavy enough weight so that your form is perfect for your first few reps without you having to think about it, then getting progressively difficult as you go along. Your last couple reps should be pretty difficult and you should be concentrating heavily on your form. IF you add weights into your routine, make sure to give your muscles a day of rest in between workouts!

    *Stretch in the morning.

    * EAT ENOUGH. Make sure you are eating enough calories per day to fuel your body. And I honestly wouldn't "eat back" my workout calories.

    *Drink lots of water, and cut out all processed drinks if you can.

    *Keep at it! Even if you have a bad day, every new day is a day to start over... it's NOT the end of the world! AND, if you don't hit your goal by the first of March, celebrate how far you HAVE come!

    I have lost 27 pounds in four months.... 25 of it in the first 3 and have kinda fallen off the wagon this last month. But in my first three months I was doing all the things I outlined above. This month, not so much. :) So I definitely know what I need to do... just have to do it as well. :)

    she is right on! i agree with everything in this post! make good choices, get moving, and you should start seeing great results! i got serious in september and went from 246 to 198 (still have 25 to go)... good luck!

    (my goal is 25 pounds by march 22 when we leave on our new york vacation!)
  • carolinagirl0990
    carolinagirl0990 Posts: 7 Member
    How's everyone doing??