Lost 4 pounds but I still measure the same.

I used to weigh 108lbs and all i needed to have a flat stomach, smaller legs, smaller chest well in other words to be completely skinny was to lose 5 pounds. I am currently on a 2 week break and i eat about 2-3 times a day. In 7 days i've lost 4 pounds which i don't think is normal. I have even tried exercising for 3 weeks and i have lost nothing so i don't know how iv'e lost 4 pounds. I am slightly eating less than usual but not too much. Now i weigh 104lbs. I've asked several people and they say i look the same. So why am i losing weight and i still look the same? Does this mean i am just losing muscle instead of fat? When i work out i work out to insanity so i sweat a lot. So why can't i lose any pounds when i exercise for 3 weeks?


  • open your diary or add me as a friend. I don't really know whats going on. some of the 4 lbs is just water, and maybe you've lost some weight from some place other than your belly. I'm confused how you know that you needed to lose exactly 5 lbs though.

    Other people will not be able to notice such a small loss so im not surprised about that.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    4lbs is not enough of a loss to see results based on how you look. For some it takes 30lbs + pounds to see any form of a change.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    measurements don't change significantly just from a small weight loss unless you are doing strength training. My measurements change slightly (maybe 1 inch in one area) after each 5 lb loss.
  • So if you lose water weight that means you won't lose inches/cm anywhere? Actually i just estimated because i am not that chubby. I just need to lose 1-2 inches in my stomach and thighs. Also my mom is about 2cm shorter than me and she weighs 100 pounds and she is skinny. That is another reason why i thought i only had to lose 5 pounds.I thought that when you're not that chubby you can notice much easily when you lose pounds. Or iv'e been told that.
  • Well i am not that chubby i've been told i would only have to lose about 5 pounds and ill be completely skinny. I just thought that when you are almost skinny it is easier to tell if you lost weight.
  • Like i've said on the other replies, i thought it was easier to tell if you lost weight when you are not far from getting skinny. Either why the measurements were the same
  • open your diary or add me as a friend. I don't really know whats going on. some of the 4 lbs is just water, and maybe you've lost some weight from some place other than your belly. I'm confused how you know that you needed to lose exactly 5 lbs though.

    Other people will not be able to notice such a small loss so im not surprised about that.

    So if you lose water weight that means you won't lose inches/cm anywhere? Actually i just estimated because i am not that chubby. I just need to lose 1-2 inches in my stomach and thighs. Also my mom is about 2cm shorter than me and she weighs 100 pounds and she is skinny. That is another reason why i thought i only had to lose 5 pounds.I thought that when you're not that chubby you can notice much easily when you lose pounds. Or iv'e been told that.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Well i am not that chubby i've been told i would only have to lose about 5 pounds and ill be completely skinny. I just thought that when you are almost skinny it is easier to tell if you lost weight.

    #1- How old are you?

    #2- Who told you? Why do they matter?

    #3- Strength train to get the results you want if you are at a healthy weight, don't need to lose any more weight.
  • 1. 16
    2. A few close people and a trainer at a gym estimated.
    3. Yes that is true that i am at a healthy weight. But i want to have a flat stomach and i want to get rid of excess fat in the other parts of my body first.
  • Cntrygrl07
    Cntrygrl07 Posts: 7 Member
    Weight train, You don't need to lose weight you need to gain muscle, If you gain muscle you will look skinny and burn off the fat you want to lose. Losing at doesn't necessarily mean losing weight if you are gaining muscle at the same time. Muscle takes less space up than fat does. Your mom probably has a lower body fat % than you do. Please don't lose more weight, it would probably be unhealthy. Strength train (not cardio) to gain muscle.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    at 104 pounds i say "buy that girl a muffin"

    guys dont like super skinny.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You're still growing. You're at a healthy weight. You should focus more on getting a toned look through pilates and strength training with weights...

    And FYI, it's kind of not legal for you to be on this site. You have to be 18 or older........just sayin'
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    1. 16
    2. A few close people and a trainer at a gym estimated.
    3. Yes that is true that i am at a healthy weight. But i want to have a flat stomach and i want to get rid of excess fat in the other parts of my body first.

    At 16 you shouldn't be on this site. At 16 you are still growing and developing so you need to not concentrate on losing weight. You need to ensure you are getting enough calories and nutrients so you can properly develop. You are at a healthy weight... 5lbs won't make a difference.

    Don't base what you should look like or weight based on anyone else. Your mom may be a certain size but that doesn't mean you need to be or you should be.

    Stop focusing on losing weight. Eat more and focus on being healthy.
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