HI! :)

hello everybody, my name is Anthony. Ive been on a life changing weight loss plan for the past 2 years. When i started i was 5 ft. 8 and weighed 240 lbs, i was 18. Now im 19 about to turn 20, and im 5 ft. 10 and 190 lbs. I was 180 lbs, but last month i did NOT go to the gym at all and was constantly eating, so now im pissed at myself and am ready to amp up my routine again. NO to LOW CARBS at all, dont care what anyone says, thats the culprit of fat people, I will keep my carbs to under 20 grams a day, and the rest shall be protein and a little bit of the good fats. My goal is to reach 160 lbs by may, but am super-shooting to march if i can keep with it. Exercise will be Running 7 days a week, i was weightlifting but i really just want to be slim and not huge. I did pack on about 20+ lbs. of muscle this past year, so ill probably look pretty good when i start burning off the fat while the muscle tries to stay, but im planning on losing muscle mass too. Soooo nice to meet you everybody :P


  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm 20, and know how hard it is to stick to eating healthy at this age, with so many temptations going out with friends and (if you go to one) at university. Keep up the awesome work!
  • sludgefactory101
    nice to meet you also! yea i went to university for a year but they kicked me out for a year due to poor grades, but i remember always starving and having NO nutritional food there at all, so i basically maintained weight for a while. I've just been super lazy this last month so i gained some weight back. I don't really do the whole going out and drinking with friends and consuming the empty calories, I have a bad problem with taking pills though so I've got no room to judge