I'm just so, not even ready for this.

This is the first time I've ever done this. So for me, This is a new experience. By never done this I obviously mean being part of a weight loss community like this one. During my time on this earth, which really hasn't been long, I've always been a "big" girl, and no I don't mean that I'm a giant. If anything I'm fairly short(only about 5'3"-5'4"), it means that I'm, for lack of a better word, fat. Yes, F-A-T, FAT. Every doctor I have ever been to has said this is some way or another and at most, have told me how much I should weigh, and at my height and bone structure that would be about 125-135. But I, am of course, far heavier than that. I weigh 180 lbs. I have tried time and time again to lose the pounds but in the end I can never stick to the diets and regimes that I give to myself. I feel that I am in an abusive relationship with food and every time I try to leave it it calls me back, promising that it won't ever make me wish to overeat again. It lies. Every single time. I hope to have help, and support from many people on my weight loss journey this time and hope that the public help will help me to stick to my goals. After saying all this I suppose you should know my name, I'm Amanda, I'm eighteen, and I hope that y'all will be a part of my support system.


  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    If it weren't for MFP, I wouldn't have lost as much as I add, both tracking calories and the fantastic support system in place. You can do it lovely xx
  • pickthingsup
    pickthingsup Posts: 37 Member
    hi amanda, welcome to mfp, this is a great site with some amazing people. Good luck on your journey to the new you.
  • Lollypops44
    Lollypops44 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Amanda, welcome to the site. I had a very similar attitude to you ie, can't lose weight, no will power etc but 4years ago I dug deep and lost 75lbs and I truly amazed myself and I'd always believed that only other people lst large amounts of weight. Unfortunately to several operations ive put a lot of this back on over last 2 years but I know now that I can do it again and am back on the wagon. I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Support is here 24 / 7. Have a great day.
  • Moiraza
    Moiraza Posts: 7 Member
    The principle of joining a community like this is: We can't do it for you, but we can do it with you.

    Even with us there are moments when you are going to simply have to pass over food you would otherwise have eaten, or eat only a fraction of something you would otherwise have eaten. Then when you tell us we will be there to affirm your wise choices.
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi :)

    Reading your post felt like i could have written it. Im a little older at 26 but have a really bad relationship with food and im 5"5 and 210lbs so i can sympathise.

    The only help i can give is to make small achieveable goals and take each day at a time. Track what you eat (honestly), and see how under/over that is. If you go over don't beat yourself up, that day was just a bad day and the next day could be better. Find a exercise you enjoy. Just make simple changes and you'll see results. Weight loss takes time. I've taken 3 years to lose 30lbs initially, because i took the time to maintain that level, now i know i wont put it back on.

    Good luck!!
  • plaingirly
    I am 5'2" and started at 184 - my goal at the moment is 126. This is subject to change!

    Tracking calories and the community side of MFP have really helped me to stay motivated right through Christmas. I even worked out on Christmas day - that would have been crazy to me the year before! x
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    The main thing that is so hard is to know when to stop eating. I havent stop eating the things I love I just limit the amount and try to add some healthier food in between. I've started walking at least 20 - 30 mins a day. I figure if I try and stop eating the things I like and work out a lot I will not stick with it. So I've been taking one day at a time. Logging in my food during the day and not going over my cal. limit. When I logged in my food for the first day I couldn't believe how many calories I was eating before starting MFP. Now I'm am doing pretty good at staying at my goal calories for the day. Good luck and you can add me if you would like. The people on here are awsome! For me just keeping track of my food has been a big step in losing "some" weight... But you will find what works for you ;)
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    Your post made me sad! Girl, you have got to love yourself, thin or not! I have struggled with very disordered eating and actually used food and weight gain as a way to piss of my family (its a long story) but in the end, a lot of my issues were the emotional issues over the fact that I did not love myself. I have definitely used food as a comfort and have had those days of thinking "well, I'm fat, who cares if I eat an entire box of Oreos?" I also struggled with the weight I was gaining that wasn't my fault. I was always athletic and a standout athlete when I was in high school and then I turned into the "big girl" and doctors were so mean to me, I felt like such a fat failure. Turns out, it WASN'T my fault. I had celiac's and my body was suffering from a severe autoimmune reaction to food I was eating. Don't let the doctors make you feel bad or the people around you. NO ONE IS PERFECT....not even thin people.
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    You can do it! :D Don't even doubt yourself.

    I'm just starting mfp seriously now too and I'm the same height and weight as you. I have never tracked my calories before, and I'm finding that doing so really does help in controlling eating habits.

    I have lost a small amount of weight in the last few months, but I haven't been tracking my calories or exercising as I should have. But this new year, I have decided to record everything that I eat, and exercise.

    We can help each other out and support one another. I plan on losing 55lbs this year. I'd love to eventually share my after pics :D

    Btw, I'm Gill (jill) and I'm 27 =) I have never been apart of a weight loss community either.

    Lets do this! :D
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    I wish you had chosen a few other words to name this post.
    Until you are ready to change for yourself, you never will.
    Until you find some fitness activities that you enjoy, you'll never stick to an exercise regime.
    & until you find some fabulous new foods to enjoy, you'll keep eating what you've always eaten.

    MFP isn't a last ditch place to turn for all the fat people of the world.
    It is a fabulous support forum, that--when used correctly, can help you find, maintain, and exceed your fitness goals.
    I have found that this community of people are very giving of their time, knowledge, and compassion.

    I hope that you are able to find strength in the community here.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I thought the same when I first started, now a year and a half later I am so happy with what I have achieved!

    There will be doubts, there will be slip ups. You'll put weight back on, you'll cry yourself to sleep some nights because you wish it were easy. It's all worth it. You've just gotta believe in yourself! :)

    Good luck! xx
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I wish you had chosen a few other words to name this post.
    Until you are ready to change for yourself, you never will.
    Until you find some fitness activities that you enjoy, you'll never stick to an exercise regime.
    & until you find some fabulous new foods to enjoy, you'll keep eating what you've always eaten.

    MFP isn't a last ditch place to turn for all the fat people of the world.
    It is a fabulous support forum, that--when used correctly, can help you find, maintain, and exceed your fitness goals.
    I have found that this community of people are very giving of their time, knowledge, and compassion.

    I hope that you are able to find strength in the community here.

    this ^^^

    i joined mfp 2 years ago at 230lbs and 5'2". but i WANTED to do something about getting fitter- i had this huge surge of motivation that things needed to be different. and mfp has helped me a huge amount. but, as with most other stuff, you'll only get out what you put in. if you're not ready to do this, then maybe you should wait for a time that's right for you. but there's no harm in helping yourself by taking the odd walk or being more conscious of your diet.
    or you could just watch what happens and become addicted to it like a large portion of the rest of us.

    we can be here to cheer you on, but the motivation to do this has to come from you- 100%.
  • muscat_princess
    i have felt like this. we all have i am sure. i am 5'1 and after my baby i am 185 pounds. i have always been a bit heavy. my lowest before my baby was 145 pounds which i was happy! ha ha not skinny but i was loving it!

    this site is great. dont expect to see results the first week r so. it is a trial an error program. log what u eat and just keep to the cals u r allowed.
    being a short girl u may also play around with your food and watch other factors as well. for example try to eat green veggies as much as u can. also log your food here. and look at your carbs. pls eat cabs..dont cut them out. but you will notice if you pick healthy foods your carbs will not be as high. like eat brown bread and brown pasta;;;;not white. this should help.
    continue playing around with what you eat and you will find you can eat alot and still lose weight. u find things low in cals. remember you may not like to eat cucumbers......but your taste does change one you setox yourself from junk. u will find you enjoy a cucumber salad with olive oil n lemon over a mars bar! ha ha (your taste for things really does change after a few weeks. if you think u dont like something, put it aside and stay on track and try it again n a few weeks..)
    i started six weeks ago on here eating 1500 a day and i have lost 6 pounds in six weeks.......but im eating and im not starving myself!
    make healthy choices. and even when u slip....log it too! its really about accountability. its a life style. not a diet and a journey that will last your whole life. (also there r some nice ppl as well as some know it all smart *kitten* in here so just ignore the rude ones.)

    things i snack on that r nice. celery and hummas with huge glass of water.....tomato and feta cheese with water. .....and on days when i really want a snack i allow it. but in small portions. but i counter this with a walk. ...i always tell myself i can have anything i want to eat. but if its naughty...then i must excerise to pay for that. lol
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    Hi Amanda :) I'm 5'4" and started here at 187 lbs in september. So were have quite similar goals. It's really not hard if you put your mind to it.

    Before Christmas, I had reached a weight of 156,7 lbs, currently it's 159 lbs, but I'm confident that the Christmas pounds will vanish soon! If I can do it, so can you...

    If you need encouragement of advice feel free to add me as a friend, but please be aware that I hold my MFPfriends accountable for what they eat and how the exercise, without sugarcoating ;-)

    you can totally do it :-D
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Bit confused by your topic headline!?
    If you aren't ready to commit yet then I would suggest setting your goal to maintenance and just logging your food and exercise - this will reveal where you problem relationship with food really is. Too much? Wrong kind of food? Comfort eating?

    When you are ready to start your new slimmer and healthoer life set your goal to lose a small and realistic amount and realise it's a long term change and not just "going on a diet". You will get plenty of help and support.

    Same with exercise - if you don't like it don't buy a gym membership you won't use, start by adding in any kind of activity that you actually like and fits in your normal life whether it's walking, dancing or whatever.

    Best of luck Amanda.
  • ilove2013
    Hi Amanda..I just joined this week too. I have 72 pounds to lose and I too usually never stick to any diet for very long...this time I'm determined to do the hard work to reach my goal..I am so thankful that I found this site..everyone is so helpful and such a motivation...I know you can do it too! Let's do this together! ps, my name is Vickie :)
  • brandtsw
    Hello Amanda....I applaud you for taking this first step toward a healthier and more fit life. One thing you will come to realize that this is a life style change and as you journey down this road you will not only feel more confident but be more confident...the support, motivation and encouragement you will receive from those here is just amazing...I never really had a problem with weight because of my career and never thought I would but then that day came. Now I am working hard to get down to where I should be...I am so impressed with all the young people here making that change...good luck and I know you will accomplish your goals.
  • selanrael
    Hi and nice to meet you :)
    I just joined yesterday, too, and I can really (I mean REALLY) relate to you situation. I've been getting similar feedback from doctors/nurses my whole life but never actually had someone to help me with my struggle. I'm roughly the same size as you (5'4"-5'5" 185 lbs) and I do hope that joining a community like this one helps me to overcome this challenge. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing comments about my weight so I keep telling myself that I have to succeed.

    Now, let's do this thing! :D
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member

    If you aren't ready to commit yet then I would suggest setting your goal to maintenance and just logging your food and exercise - this will reveal where you problem relationship with food really is. Too much? Wrong kind of food? Comfort eating?

    I am a similar height and had gotten to 160lb and my ideal weight should be around 126 (and even THAT is a stone heavier than when I was racing!).

    The advice above is spot on - It took me at least TWO WEEKS to realise the full implications of what I was scoffing.
    The practice of logging, and becoming more aware of what carries how many (and in some cases HOW MANY???) calories takes a while.

    Also do some research on terms like BMR and TDEE ... you will see these crop up a lot... but first, get comfortable with logging... your first step is joining here.
    It's a marathon... not a sprint. Just stick at it... and good luck.
  • Anthony110101111110001101
    Hi Amanda, good luck on your journey and relationship with food. If you would like to be friends with me feel free tio send me an invite through.