maintenance dilemma....I have no idea what to do

Looking to the future a little bit here but i need to manifest a plan of action, plus it gives me something to think about. I am close to goal, about 9-11lbs to go and am interested to learn about maintenance. Such as how many calories you will be allowed and how to work it out. Any tips gratefully received. Thanks guys x


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Options gives you an idea of how many calories you will need at maintenance when you reach your goal weight. (Personally, I was surprised by how little I needed - no wonder I put on weight!).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Looking to the future a little bit here but i need to manifest a plan of action, plus it gives me something to think about. I am close to goal, about 9-11lbs to go and am interested to learn about maintenance. Such as how many calories you will be allowed and how to work it out. Any tips gratefully received. Thanks guys x

    i have been maintaining for a year and a bit now so i am happy to share my experience:

    when i was 4lbs from my goal weight i changed my calories from 1200 (losing 1lb per week) to 1400 (losing 1/2lb per week) and promptly lost 2lbs!!

    when i got to my goal i then increased my cals by 100 per week until i got to what MFP told me was maintenance - 1600 cals. at this point i also made sure i was netting my maintenance calories - so eating back all exercise calories (otherwise you are still creating a deficit)

    i kept my exercise the same (between 3 and 5 times per week) and found that i was still losing so i upped my cals again to 1800. i was then on net 1800 for quite a while before i decided that i wanted to reduce my bodyfat a bit more, and go for a more 'lean' look. so i started full body strength training 3x a week with cardio once a week and was ALWAYS hungry so i upped my cals again to 1900 and then 2000 where i am now.

    yes it was weird being able to eat so much more than the 1200 cals (which i only did for 12 weeks) but i did it by increasing my portions a little and adding an extra snack per day and going from fat free cottage cheese to normal cottage cheese, and things liek that. these days i can fit pretty much anything into my 2000 cals, but i try to eat cleanish 80% of the time and hit my protein goal of 125g per day and get my 5 portions of fruit and veg in a day.

    wow thats long, hope it helps!!!!
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Bump. Great question. Thanks.
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    I would just add 250 cals or so to my daily total and eat that for a week or two, see what happens if lose weight over that week or two add 250 more and repeat. Then stop once you find your maintenance calories. I think that's the best way because those calculators don't know everything.
  • karenbrooks14661
    karenbrooks14661 Posts: 9 Member
    i go to roesemary conley classes, my instructor says that everyone is different, and needs to find their own level, she also says this is the really difficult part!! i would agree with the lady who says add 250 a day, and adjust as necessary! well done on losing that much so far!
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Bump as i will be a maintenance once i lose these few pounds from christmas.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Congrats on coming close to goal! It's good you are thinking about it now, because when it happens, it's really hard to think of a plan "in the moment".

    I have been maintaining fro 2 1/2 years and "what to do" in maintenance seems to have many stages for me. The first year it was about how technically to figure out how to hit my stride and balance the diligent logging, monitoring, and such to stay at the same weight, but also letting loose so I felt like I was more free to "live" w/food. The 2nd year it was all about goals and gaining strength.

    Anyway, I have written a lot about my experience--here is a blog from my first year, where I talk more about "how" I found the right balance and specific techinques, and then second year that is more goal-oriented, if you are interested in lots of detail :) Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    First thing is to figure out your maintenance calories. I upped mine gradually and figured out that MFPs recommendation for maintenance for me is pretty close but I actually need to stay about 100 calories under. I'm 5'4",130 lbs and I eat about 1550 calories plus exercise calories to maintain. MFP tells me 1630.

    Like someone else said when I first increased my calories I lost a couple more pounds suddenly, so that was a nice surprise. It's been a little tough to get my mind around not eating at a deficit. You have to have a new goal since you're not seeing your measurements and weight changing. I am making muscle building my new goal.

    Good luck and congrats on your progress!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    When I was 10 pounds from my goal weight, I switched my loss to 0.5 lb/week in order to get used to eating more. I didn't drop pounds quickly when I did this like others are saying they have...wish I did! I kept at the 0.5 lb/week loss up until I hit my goal, then I switched to a 0 pound loss (all of these numbers are from MFP). That's it! It worked for me and I have been maintaining for almost a year.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    Congratulations on reaching a healthy goal!

    I reached my goal in September of this year, losing 55ish lbs in 9 months. In order to keep the habits of logging daily food and exercise, I went into maintenance mode. I have always had my base activity level set to "sedentary," because I work at a desk all day. MFP set my -0- loss calorie goal to 1640 for my height, weight, etc. I stick to that, and eat back my calories gained by planned exercise, each day. For exercise, I only log gym workouts, yoga, long walks or runs -- no "cleaning, shopping, food preparation, etc." Sometimes I eat back all my calories, but rarely go over.

    In maintenance, I try to eat as healthy as possible and stick to a good exercise plan. MFP is just the resource tool, that is making it easy for me to stay on track. Since SEP, I've actually lost another 3-4 pounds, but I haven't been "trying," and certainly haven't felt deprived or like I'm dieting.

    I weigh in on Sunday mornings, and log whatever it says on the scale. It's only fluxuated about 3 lbs from 9/15 to 12/30, with a net loss of about 4.
  • relledge
    Maintenance calories is a huge dilemma for most. The main thing once you reach your goal is to add back calories slowly. Be careful not to give yourself too many calories and gain weight back. I wouldn't increase your calories by more than 200 calories a day and continue to workout. Make sure that you are eating back your calories otherwise you will still have a deficit. If you continue to loss weight slowly increase your calories until you reach a happy spot. For most maintenance calories are somewhere between 1400 and 1600 calories per day. It just depends on your body type. When you have less than 5 pounds left to lose I would start to bump your calories up so you are able to figure out a system.