Please help :-(

Hi there, thanks for taking the time to read this. A year ago I had done amazingly well and lost 10kg from my original weight which had been the heaviest I had ever been. After a chaotic year with fostering children, working full time, losing loved ones and then losing my babies (foster) and my job all within a month - not only have I piled on what I lost, but another 10kg on top of that as well.

I feel stuck in a never ending cycle, I am really struggling, I would love some motivation and support to get back on the weight loss wagon and feeling motivated and good again. Has been such a hard journey and I don't want to keep making it harder for myself by making the problem worse with binge eating or just eating crap to soften the emotional beating I am still recovering from. :-(


  • Cyduncan71
    Let's make these changes together! I too turn to food as a comfort only to realize that it only adds more discomfort! Please add as a friend if you would like.
  • dhickey73
    Hi Debbie! Sorry for all your struggles. The tie between stress and emotional eating is so hard to break. I'll be here and ride along with you if you want. Feel free to add me! ~Dora
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Parenting will always be the hardest job! With that said, lets get you at your best so you can continue to be great! Kudos for fostering. As an adoptive parent, I understand some of the issues you face and applaud your ability to something that scares me.
    here's an idea:
    Find a area, not the bed, that you can stretch out. Take 3-5 minutes just stretching out. Then sit or lie down for 5 minutes. Think of a flower, sea, mountain, favorite may feel recharged in that 10min break.