Lemonade master cleanse



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I tried it and went 5 days and lost eight pounds... My husband did it before me and did 10 days and lost 30lbs.... the issue is it was water weight. I think it was ok for me cause it shocked my system into being aware and food sensitive. My taste buds were reset and the salt wash reset my GI system for about 6 months after. So to each its own. I would say it is a quick fix not long term.

    What? Reset your GI system? Reset your taste buds? How does this work, I'm curious.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Yes I have tried this. I drink 8 glasses of lemon water a day, and then I eat 1800 calories. Works for me.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I tried it and went 5 days and lost eight pounds... My husband did it before me and did 10 days and lost 30lbs.... the issue is it was water weight. I think it was ok for me cause it shocked my system into being aware and food sensitive. My taste buds were reset and the salt wash reset my GI system for about 6 months after. So to each its own. I would say it is a quick fix not long term.
    Food sensitivity's a good thing?
  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    I studied it awhile ago and I finally found something very interesting...i read about a woman who drink a glass of water with a quarter lemon squeezed in and a few pinches of cayenne every morning before she eats or drinks anything else. She says the first few days were weird but now she can't life without it. Very cleansing. Also...get some high quality lemon essential oil which can be added to drink too and its very powerful. Good luck! I'm going to try this starting tomorrow morning.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    I cleanse once, sometimes twice a day.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Lemonade is delicious....but I'll leave the cleansing to my organs.
  • Kelibur
    Kelibur Posts: 12 Member
    I watched Hungry for Change and am doing the 3 day cleanse. Lots of veggies and juicing. No way could I survive on a TEN DAY lemonade cleanse! Crazy.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    If it says "cleanse" or "Dr. Oz", run like hell in the other direction. For a couple of miles. Every day. Stick to your calories. Watch the weight come off. Amazing!
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    No. :explode:

    But now I want some lemonade...you know, the real stuff with lots of sugar.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I prefer the water and fiber master cleanse.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    eat right
    work hard
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    If you truly hate yourself then do this cleanse. If you don't hate yourself, you will after a few days of this cleanse.
    It's horrific.
    I tried it about 5 years ago. I lasted 3 days.

    If you can't see yourself doing something for the rest of your life and you're questioning how long you'll even stick with it then it's probably not going to work.

    Water, exercise and mindful eating. That's what works. It's simple.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Everytime I see the word 'cleanse', I think that this stuff must make you poop yourself a lot.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I watched Hungry for Change and am doing the 3 day cleanse. Lots of veggies and juicing. No way could I survive on a TEN DAY lemonade cleanse! Crazy.

    Have you read any of the previous posts? Why do you think this will make a difference? Eat healthy, push your body to get strong and the weight will take care of itself. Oh, and stop falling for every "trick" that comes down the pike. If ANY of them worked, MFP would not be on line anymore. Look around!
  • fionatdlam
    fionatdlam Posts: 10 Member
    Hello There (:

    I made this profile a long time ago but now I'm only going to start using it to share/receive information with fellow people like you guys! :D

    ANYWAYS.. let me tell you guys about the Master Cleanse when I was on it! I started at 162 lbs

    So.. I gave it a try for 5 days lost 7 lbs and then failed.. when I failed it was uncontrollable binge eating.. seriously. At first I would only eat one chicken wing and danggg... I would be SOO FULL! The next day however.... I ate Chinese Food and everything.. a lot more than I usually would have.. 2 weeks shortly after I gained even more than my original weight at 164 and feeling a lot more sluggish and bloated.

    I then gave it another try.. and this time I did a whole 30 days and lost 17 lbs leaving me at 143 !!! I was going to go for 40 but for a whole week.. I stopped losing weight and felt very fatigue so I decided to see the doctor and nutritionist at my university. When I got off the cleanse.. I had such a hard time adjusting my body to food again.. I would eat a little and my stomach would be hard and stick out as if I was pregnant. I also had problems where I couldn't poop (lol) because my body was so used to that Detox Senna Leaf Tea so my body basically shut down in it's bowel movements... I couldn't have peristalsis which is that wavelike squeezing movements of your intestines to get your poop out.. lol ANYWAYS.. I also took Nutrition class and did a lot of research to find out that my body was also going through ketosis because of the lack of carbs I had in my body... which is like the (no carb diet) .. which is why I now believe that you need to have a balance of everything when you want a healthy lifestyle.. If I had just ate healthy.. and did my exercises consistently that whole month instead of the master cleanse.. I would have lost 10 pounds, gained instead of losing muscle.. as well as kept it off. Although I went from 164 - 143.. I eventually gained it back and now I am at 160 and feel healthy again .. It took a long time to get back to square one and for the longest time I wasn't worried about my weight anymore but actually all the damage I did to my body.

    I just wanted to share this story with you guys that the cleanse.. was an easy weight loss.. but it doesn't last long..
    the side effects outweighs the benefits by a long run. If you guys want me to post pictures of the youtube videos I made a long the way I can do that... although it's kind of embarrassing :( Just trying to help as many people avoid this situation as possible. :noway:

    BEFORE 2nd Round Master Cleanse
    [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/10i8mf5.png width="200"[/img]


    AFTER MASTER CLEANSE.. was not sticking my stomach out.. it really hurt :(
    It was super hard and bloated.. my stomach never stuck out more than my boobs.. until I did this cleanse.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Yeah, giving your body essentially zero nutrition for the length of this "cleanse" is really a good idea. You'll lose skeletal muscle mass as your body breaks down muscle to keep your vital organs going, thus lowering your metabolism so you'll gain weight more easily after you're done. And once you start eating food again, you WILL gain back any thing that you lost.