i just need.... advice.

So frustrated!!! I have been stuck at 148 forEVERRR, I can't seem to get out of the upper 140s and I feel like I've been watching what i eat and exercising for years (2 years since i got serious about watching what i eat). I follow my calorie goal, MAYBE go over sometimes by 100 or 200 calories, but not all the time. I run every other day, and try to throw in at least 2 other days of cardio. I also strength train. I don't know what the problem is and I'm really getting discouraged.
Running takes care of getting my legs and arms in shape, but my torso just won't follow suit! from my back to my belly to my "arm-pit" fat, none of it will fade!

Has anyone else been in a same-weight rut for an extended period of time? What did you do that worked? I've been thinking about talking to a doctor about what I'm eating, but don't know what type to go to (dietician, nutritionist, regular check-up doctor?)

Any and all advice is appreciated. I feel like giving up!


  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I'm exactly the same...and I think that some of it is plateau, and some of it is muscle. You will have definately put on muscle weight, which is heavier than fat. I should think that you have lost much more fat than you think, but put muscle in its place.
    Don't fret, just keep changing up the exercise routines and make sure you are eating a very wide variety of foods so that your body doesn't get used to the same fuel forever. Also, think of how healthy you are! That should be what is most important, but I understand how you feel when you look in the mirror....
    Chin up, at some point your body has to give!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I wish I had some advice :grumble: but I am in the same boat. I have been stuck for almost 2 months :frown: I keep bouncing the same 2 pounds up and down and up and down. I have increased cals and lowered cals I have staggered cals. I have drank an ocean of water and bounced different work outs in. I feel like my body is content to stay where its at and vist for awhile :sad: I look at it this way at some point it will decide to move on and try a lower weight. but in the mean time as long as I maintain and dont gain or fall back into bad habits its all good. :happy: I think if you put to much stress and worry into it your body digs its heals in and the scale wont budge. Try and relax keep working on it and it will start working again. :flowerforyou:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Can you have your diary open to view? so others on here can see what your eating? you could just be eating too much of something ( carbs, sugar, sodium, fat) and changing one of those things could change things up for you!!
    Stick with it, you will get there. :flowerforyou:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Change your weight loss goals and change up your workouts. You could also try taking 1-2 days off of diet and exercise. Sometimes I do that and even though I gain a few pounds the next day, I've usually lost the water retention and an extra pound 3-4 days later.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    How close to a "healthy" BMI are you and how many calories are you eating?

    I'm 5'1 and 148 lbs is about when I started heavy weight lifting 3x per week. I also had to slow my weight loss to 0.5 lbs per week.

    Running is supposed to blast the belly better than anything. Have you been measuring yourself?
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Take off a couple of days. Eat an entire pizza. Or go to your fav. restaurant and pig out. I have been stuck at the plateua for 3 weeks. Last saturday after the pizza I weighed 232 and after that 2 more mexican dinners with chips and fajitas. This morning I weighed 219. Thats within 1 week time period. Mind you I changed several things at once. I changed my workouts and done more intensive longer workouts, and I cut Protein mix completely(I get plenty of Protein by what I eat). Oh and do this with the mind set of an experiment and plan on going back to your diet.... errr, life change. Oh and my diet went hardcore. Completely vegen. No need of meat whatsoever or dairy. Hopefully you can do this and stay on the wagon. If you think you can't do not try.

    Hope this helps,
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    If you don't have much to lose it will be very difficult. Are those 8 lbs really worth going to a dietician or physician? If I were you, I would ramp up the exercise...hopefully it will work out for you but don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • mc63
    mc63 Posts: 5
    Can you have your diary open to view? so others on here can see what your eating? you could just be eating too much of something ( carbs, sugar, sodium, fat) and changing one of those things could change things up for you!!
    Stick with it, you will get there. :flowerforyou:

    I agree with what was stated above. I'm not sure if you are just looking at your calories or if you have paid attention to other nutritional info. such as fat, sat. fats, sodium, carbs, etc. You can easily be meeting your calorie goals but doubling or tripling one of these nutritional content areas (or even worse). Try changing your settings to display this data on your diary and you might be surprised at what you find out. Keep running and doing your best. Sometimes your body needs time to maintain a specific weight before it's ready to shed some more. Good luck!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Plateaus require change. That is the key point. You need to make some sort of a drastic change to see what your body is doing.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just like everybody is saying: You've reached your first plateau! But, here's the thing: Lower your calories. You're body needs even less now. Don't think of it as a negative thing, think positive! You're body is getting to the point where it's comfortable with the amount of calories your giving it.

    If you've been inputting your weight into MFP, it normally will recalculate your needs to fit your new weight. Sometimes, you can't trust it though. Do some research on overcoming plateaus in weight loss. Just type it into google, I'm sure there will be all sorts of advice websites.

    *BUT! If you're at the minimum of 1200 calories, don't lower it. Try eating 1500 for a week and then go back. It might jumpstart some more weight loss.*

    EDIT: I've read the other comments. Taking a few days off your diet is a great way to boost your metabolism. Just plan these days, so you don't feel guilty. And don't binge! Don't eat until your sick just because it's your day off.
    And protein! My mom lost 100 pounds and when she reached a plateau she starting buying protein shake mix. It restarted her weight loss.
    Also, maybe try accelerating your current exercise routines. With a lot of workout videos, I've noticed they have different stages so that when you begin to feel comfortable with one, you can move onto a harder exercise! Good luck. 148 sounds great to me! Couldn't be that bad. (Unless you're really short, I guess.)

    EDIT AGAIN: And, I like to babble on and on, but here's another tip anyways! Like I said, 148 sounds really great to me, but then again I haven't seen your picture or anything and I don't know where you started, but with saying that, maybe you can't lose anymore. If you have a big frame, going any lower might be impossible. And even if you don't have a large frame, try toning! Maybe it's loose skin you see? "Skinny fat" as I've heard it. Do toning exercises and more strength training. See if it helps. Maybe you just need some muscle now. :)
  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    thanks everyone! all of your advice is fantastic. I think I'm going to make my diary public and see if any "red flags" are noticed. Also, I guess it's time to kick up the cardio!

    Thanks again everyone!! :happy: