
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to make an observation. I could be wrong but I think the sugar targets on mfp are bit inaccurate. Men have a GDA of 120g and women have 90g . Depending on your carlories reduction (lets say 35% of your 2000 or 2500) means that if you apply the same reduction across the board ( and I dont see why you wouldn't) means than your target should be in the region of 80g for men and 60g for women. My target is something ridiculous like 30g.

Im sure they have a justification for this - probably a reasonable one but I just thought I would post this up and make people aware that their may be something up with the way they target sugar. I know sugar is bad when your trying to lose weight as it interferes with burning of fat but I think the targets are just unrealistic. Having said that, I think it is one of the most important things to control (with type two diabetes and all) but I'd rather have accurate information in doing so.



  • alpaca217
    alpaca217 Posts: 2 Member
    I also noticed that the sugar target on mfp is probably screwed up. Despite me putting a hard number in the settings of 24g, the target shown on the daily food diary seems to fluctuate with exercise. Shouldn't the only number fluctuating with exercise be the daily calories?

    As barste indicated, if you're trying to watch your sugar, this certainly doesn't help you. I had it where I did exercise and the target on the food diary changed to 45g!

    Is anyone else having the same problem or am I missing something?