Life or ?

I have been on here on and off for 3 years. I wanted to lose weight to look better, but now it is for my health. I have a resting heart rate of over 100. When I walk up the stairs or even out to my car, I will get short of breath and my chest hurts. I have been to the ER three times this last year with chest pain. I did the easy things first to try to lower my heart rate... I quit smoking... I quit drinking pop... I stopped eating chocolate. Nothing helped. So now I am doing the gym thing. I wish I had someone to go with, but I am not a very social person. I think I have maybe five people in my life I can call "friends". So either way... I am hitting the gym, but I am very cautious of what I do. I will only do the treadmill and eliptical right now (because they have heart monitors on them). I normally do 30 minutes of each. It almost scares me though - my heart rate can get up to 188... that isn't normal! I had an Ekg and a 24 hr holter monior in December - results were normal. So I guess I just have to keep exercising and hope I don't drop dead. But I guess that can happen whether I exercise or not LOL


  • Hi there! I know what you mean about losing your breath quickly - it happens to me when I am taking the stairs and I hate it! I am also going to the gym now and it does suck to go alone! My fiance goes but its always at different times since he goes after work and we don't get out at the same time. Just keep at it and hopefully we will both learn to love it! haha. Add me if you want and we can talk each other through it!