Anyone else feel that implanon(contraception)makes it diffic

ditzy Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have had implanon with about a year and from the moment i got it i have been gaining wieght, i have gained a stone since i got it.
My problem is i cant loose it, i have been working out and watching my cals, sure im not the the most healthy eater around but i watch my cals and it just doesnt seem to be shifting.

I know people who say they gained weight with it, others say its supposed to just be a myth and when my friend got it her GP who is my GP also warned her that she would gain like crazy, but he never told me!!!

any one else find it is making weight loss difficult or even how does it make you gain in the first place and how can i control it?


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I use a different contraceptive (Alesse) and I have never gained weight because of it. This is because not all contraceptives are created equal. They have different % of the different hormones and because of this, one could affect you differently than another. And that SAME contraceptive could have a different affect on someone else. So definitely, if you're having issues, go back to your GP and ask for a different contraceptive that doesn't cause weight gain.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I have never had a big butt but when I had that my butt got huge! After it wore off I never got another. It sucked!!!
  • I had implanon and do not recall whether it made me gain weight as I only had it for 6 months, what I did find though was that my moods were all over the place ! My OH was getting quite fed up with it as I was so emotional, up and down all the time! I got it taken out and went back onto depo (which I had been on before) and the mood swings went away.

    If it is making you gain weight, speak to your GP or family planning clinic to advise you on another form of contraception. They are meant to make your life easier not harder so keep changing yours until you find one that works for you.

    Hope this helps. xx
  • ditzy
    ditzy Posts: 8
    thanks guys i was starting to think it was all in my head.x
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i've got the implant the now, i've had it for about a year, and it doesn't seemed to have caused me much bother, but i think things like this can affect people differently, it would probably be best to talk to your gp. :)
  • laurenward1990
    laurenward1990 Posts: 82 Member
    I hate mine, I think i'm going to get it removed!
    I think it caqn cause some people to gain weight/be more hungry. I think i've piled pounds on since getting mine! x
  • YES! I got mine inserted after i had my son.... i gained 20 POUNDS in just a few months. That thing is the DEVIL!!!!! I got it removed after a year, and lost 10 punds right afterwards... i hated it, and don't recomment it AT ALL. The doctor told me that he has "taken more out, than he has put in" because women hate them due to the weight gain. A few of the girls that i worked with got it, and also had it taken out. The best thing to get is the COPPER-T, because it has no hormones and is good for many years
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