First time on myfitnesspal

Just joining my fitness pal, i live in an area where i know NO one so dont have any diet/workout partners. heard about fitness pal thought i would check it out. I have lost 60 lbs since i had my baby 6 months ago. I am about 15 lbs less then my pre-baby weight. My goal is to lose about 20-30 more, I am down 5 lbs so far this week :-)


  • Hi Heidi. Its my first time here too. I lost 1 1/2 stone last year, but became a food eating machine again over Christmas, so back on it using this site rather than the expensice clubs which, quite fankly, made me feel a bit awkward. My goal is to lose another 1 1/2 stone. Whilst I'm there, I'd also like to give up smoking...
  • hello its my first time too i lost almost 80 pound in 2011 and gained it back so im making it a goal this year to keep it off
  • My first time on here, I have been on using app since last Saturday and so far I love it except when the internet doesn't work. I have been navigating around other place today with my computer, I started with app on my phone and love that I can look to see if what I am going to eat is listed to know the nutritional information. I have even been posting recipes. I have lost 5 pounds since Saturday. I am doing a detox diet. Love the app so far.:smile:
  • I seen this site the other day and was skeptic but decided to join last night :) So today is my first official day on living healthier and being a newbie to my fitness pal :) I have close to 40 pounds to lose to get into that healthy bmi, but i would love to lose 10 more on top of that. I found a list of healthy frozen dinners on ( anyone is interested in checking it out for those days when u just dont have time to cook or....its just one of those days :P
  • Anyone out there using Sugar Busters as a way of eating?
  • jbachhuber
    jbachhuber Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck all.As you'll find out, the key is consistency, pacing your weight-loss (no more than 2 pounds a week) and eating back all your exercise calories. This will help ensure you are making sustainable changes and avoid letting your body go into starvation mode where it starts working really hard to keep the pounds on.

    Happy New Year!
  • HeidiChriston
    HeidiChriston Posts: 8 Member
    I am doing a Protein shake diet, I lost 21 lbs on my first 90 day challenge, im starting my next 90 day challenge on the 5th. I love this diet and its been working so good for me, i have more energy and i have lost over 6 inches, dropped 2 pant sizes, i def am excited to start my next challenge. Im just waiting for them to come in the mail :-)
  • im new to calorie counting as well. what is the protein diet that your doing if you dont mind me asking? I am getting ready to buy some more protein myself but not sure how to include it into my diet.
  • DianeC0410
    DianeC0410 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to Fitness pal as well. I have been on it for the past week. I am not on any specific diet, just counting the calories of what I eat. Do you think this will work? Or should I be following a specific diet as well? I am incorporating exercise, but I am just keeping within my allotted calories for the day eating regular foods. I'm trying to make healthier choices as well. Any advise on diets or ideas is much appreciated. I'm looking to drop 40-50 pounds. I've had two children and quite smoking. The weight just seemed to creep up on me and didn't go away.
  • KookaburraGurrl
    KookaburraGurrl Posts: 1 Member
    hey everyone its also my first time on fitness pal too, does anyone have some tips or advice i can follow to stay on track with this?? i never have time to excersize with school and work, and since ive quit smoking ive gained about 30 lbs :(. id like to lose it all again but im not sure how to go about doing it, i welcome all advice or in-put!! :)
  • it's my first time too. I have lost a lot of weight since getting massively huge whilst pregnant and having 3 babies in 4 years, I have from a size 18/20 To a size 8 . have maintained it for nearly 2 years but it's a battle so have finally started exercising. early days but I am loving 30 day shred . add me
  • I am new to this site too, but it is pretty amazing so far- wished I knew about it when I was losing all my weight but I think it is still going to be a great tool to keep on track.
  • HeidiChriston
    HeidiChriston Posts: 8 Member
    I realize, this was over a year ago you asked what kind of protein i use... i just noticed it. I went awhile with out using the computer .. How is it going did you ever find a protein that worked for you? I used Visalus.