How do you...?

I know there are probably a trillion people out there with this same problem, but I get myself all motivated, do well for a week or two and then fall flat on my face. I can't seem to keep myself on track for longer than a couple of weeks. So, my question to you is... How in the world do you keep going? I see people on here with incredible losses, and it amazes me because the consistency it takes to succeed is what I seem to lack.

It's not like I'm not seeing a loss while I put in the effort, but something in my brain just shuts off after a certain point and I fall right back into laziness. (It's totally laziness, I can't blame it on anything else in good conscience.) So, how do YOU do it? Any advice would be appreciated.

Oh, Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all success and a year of awesomeness!


  • sparkfly77
    What keeps me going is to have a cheat meal once a week. If I didn't do that, I'd fall off the wagon.
  • sparkfly77
    I'm slightly struggling at the moment thought because I can't work out like I used to. My downstairs neighbor started complaining, so I'm waiting to see if I can transfer to a lower level apartment. Then I ended up getting diagnosed with gout of all things! If all of that wasn't enough, I have horrible congestion and trying to get rid of that.

    I'm trying my best to just be in maintain mode.
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    The longer you go, the easier it gets. The more you lose, the more you have to lose if you revert back to old ways (If that makes sense). Seeing the losses is the best motivation.

    It does take consistency, but not perfection. You have to pick yourself back up after a bad day and know that it will all be worth it.
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I have the same issue, sticking long enough to see good results but this time I am full of determination:) I am just going to do it for three months straight no excuses and see what happens, it will be a nice birthday present for myself.

    It's all about self-discipline, I find. Stay strong, practice staying strong, don't give up easily, just stick to it, make yourself to stick to it!! This is what I am going to do.
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    I think that one of the most important things is to find some type of workout that you actually LIKE and look forward to doing. I did Insanity and because I loved it, I was able to stay motivated. After Insanity I decided to try something different so I tried Brazil Butt Lift which bored me to death. I was able to do about 45 days but could no longer force myself to finish all 60 days. Now I'm into Les Mills Combat and I love it. I look forward to it and I'm excited to be doing something I enjoy again.
  • char316
    char316 Posts: 72 Member
    I have the same difficulty and I think it is a matter of cultivating a new habit. It just takes practice and I am trying my best to practice.
  • AussieTrainer
    i make it part of my lifestyle...I don't go on "diets" because those do get old fast. I've put a lot of effort into finding healthy choices that I legitimately ENJOY... so that really helps.

    I also try to involve my family when I can (kinda difficult, they are not always interested) and I try to keep things novel by trying new exercises.

    There's always an effort involved... but honestly, making good habits is what helps me in the long run. When I make coffee in the morning, I blearily grab my mug and coffee and milk and the food scale just automatically comes out with it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my two have to make working out and eating healthy a part of your every day life. Once you do that on days that you do not work out you will feel like such a slug that you can't wait to hit the weights the next day...

    Also, realize that if you have one bad eating day it is not the end of the end of the world, and spuring - every once in a while - is not such a bad thing..the bad thing is when you splurge for two weeks...

    It is a marathon and not a sprint...
  • Squatbenchrepeat
    You should lift weights, and start a progressive overload program. When you beat your PR's you will stay motivated (and feel bad *kitten*) and continue to want to better yourself!

    Also take pictures of everything you hate about your body, and remind yourself why you want to be better

    I would also recommend LOGGING EVERYTHING YOU DO. From food to workouts. Set small goals for yourself - join They have 'badges' etc that give you goals and challenges to do. Make it fun!

    If its fun then you will form a habit. Going to the carnival beats getting an enema from the doctor any day.
  • stacylmorris
    stacylmorris Posts: 5 Member
    When you start out of the gate fast, you lose momentum. Slow down. First ask yourself...what result am i looking for? First thing to do is go in the kitchen and clean house. Food is 90% of the problem. Once you change how you eat, everything will come off with exercise and I don't mean you have to run a marathon. Just move!
  • Tiffany0688
    Tiffany0688 Posts: 8 Member
    I make my goals small. When I reach that goal I make another and so on and so on. Feels good to accomplish each of those little goals and makes me even more motivated to continue on and make another!
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    First off... Thanks for the replies! I thought this thread died, so I hadn't checked back for a few days. I know this is more than eating well for the "determined amount of time it takes to get the weight off". Eating is my downfall. I've lost weight in the past (about 20 lbs), loved that it was happening, and attempted to do it on my own and left MFP for a while. Aaaaand I'm back because that didn't work out.

    I love lifting weights, don't really like running, tried Brazil Butt Lift (not my cup o'tea) and other exercise videos. I'd rather lift at home than in the gym, but I have limited equipment and space. <----excuse!

    I guess I just wait for the AHA! Moment and it hasn't really happened. Thanks for the comments, I'll continue to work at this till I can form good habits.