How does everyone keep motivated?



  • canucksgirl16
    canucksgirl16 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the inspiration! I have a friend who has lost 100lbs and she is one of the best inspirations I have right now. I just think of her and think I can do it. I guess I just need to keep doing that.

    Me and mirrors so do not mix lol. I hate them always have. The only one I have is in my bathroom and it is def not a full length mirror.

    It truly is a journey. I am determined to do it this time though. I lost my mom at 45 to cancer so that is always in the back of my mind to get healthy and cut down on that risk. Now that I am a Mom myself I need to lose the weight even more so I can be there for my little guy for a long time.
  • redwingsfan6712
    redwingsfan6712 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a Hooters bikini girl calendar hung in my kitchen - PURE motivation there!
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    Unitentional motivator. I moved into a new house and there is a mirror across from the shower. I see myself naked everytime I get out of the shower. And the bathroom is too big to have the mirror fog up... so it's a clear view... every time. Didn't like what I was looking at!
  • LetsGetFitMama
    I have a few things that motivate me, my son first of all because I am so tired of being that fat Mama who cannot do all the fun and exciting things with him. Feeling this way makes me want to keep pushing forward no matter how much a workout hurts, I need this for him! The other thing is seeing my old photos from when I was in good shape back in high school, sadly even then I thought I was fat but I wasn't, but now I truly am! Looking back at those photos and remembering all the fun things I was able to do inspires me. Then of course, I have some great MFPers on here who encourage, push and motivate me, we do it for each other! They are my support system and it would be a lot harder without them! :happy:
  • donnadeehurtcassidy
    i'm starting out too and a little exercise everyday helps. along with trying new & old foods you've forgotten about. i drink a lot of water, and have some flavored seltzer & water. it's better than turning to soda. i've been going to the gym after work & that helps too. GOOD LUCK & look forward to hearing how ur doing Donna
  • Khittle123
    Khittle123 Posts: 24 Member
    I remind myself of how I feel when I put on my clothes, since most of them don't fit me. As well as remind myself that if I want it changed, the only one that can change it is me.
  • zaakystyles
    "For the truly fortunate man, his body is a breathing image of self respect"

    We are capable of so much more. One the basics is respect for ourselves.
  • jrauch10
    jrauch10 Posts: 25 Member
    Lots of great advice in here! Some more ideas:

    For many people food is an escape - something to help them deal with life, self image, stress, and anxiety. A carb/sugar rush feels amazing, but as we know it goes straight to fat and the crash leaves us craving more. So FIND SOMETHING HEALTHY TO REPLACE THIS CRUTCH WITH, otherwise the psychological craving will never relent. Maybe it's a hobby or a craft - like building models or decorating their home. For some people it's exercise and getting a good night's sleep. For me it's reaching out to friends more proactively and being open about how I'm really doing and also my hobby of flying.

    Also, take some time to write out why you want to lose weight. What lifestyle is passing you by because of your weight or self image? What will you be able to do once you've achieved your goal? How will you feel about yourself as you begin to make progress? Then print little snippets out and post throughout your home so you don't forget why you're doing this!